Sun Cluster 3.2 Release Notes for Solaris OS


The clnode remove -f Option Fails to Remove the Node with the Solaris Volume Manager Device Group (6471834)

Problem Summary: The -clnode remove --force command should remove nodes from the metasets. The Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS provides procedures for removing a node from the cluster. These procedures instruct the user to run the metaset command for the Solaris Volume Manager disk set removal prior to running clnode remove.

Workaround: If the procedures were not followed, it might be necessary to clear the stale node data from the CCR in the usual way: From an active cluster node, use the metaset command to clear the node from the Solaris Volume Manager disk sets. Then run clnode clear --force obsolete_nodename.

scsnapshot is Nonfunctional With Solaris 10 SUNWCluster Meta Cluster (6477905)

Problem Summary: On a cluster installed with the Solaris 10 End User software group, SUNWCuser, running the scsnapshot command might fail with the following error:

# scsnapshot -o
/usr/cluster/bin/scsnapshot[228]: /usr/perl5/5.6.1/bin/perl:  not found

Workaround: Do either of the following:

Entries in the Auxnodelist Property Causes SEGV During Scalable Resource Creation (6494243)

Problem Summary: The Auxnodelist property of the shared-address resource cannot be used during shared-address resource creation. This will cause validation errors and SEGV when the scalable resource that depends on this shared address network resource is created. The scalable resource's validate error message is in the following format:

Method methodname (scalable svc) on resource resourcename stopped or terminated 
due to receipt of signal 11

Also, the core file is generated from ssm_wrapper. Users will not be able to set the Auxnodelist property and thus cannot identify the cluster nodes that can host the shared address but never serve as primary.

Workaround: On one node, re-create the shared-address resource without specifying the Auxnodelist property. Then rerun the scalable-resource creation command and use the shared-address resource that you re-created as the network resource.

clquorumserver Start and Stop Commands Should Set the Startup State Properly for Next Boot (6496008)

Problem Summary: The Quorum Server command clquorumserver does not set the state for the startup mechanism correctly for the next reboot.

Workaround: Perform the following tasks to start or stop Quorum Server software.

ProcedureHow To Start Quorum Server Software on the Solaris 10 OS

  1. Display the status of the quorumserver service.

    # svcs -a | grep quorumserver

    If the service is disabled, output appears similar to the following:

    disabled        3:33:45 svc:/system/cluster/quorumserver:default
  2. Start Quorum Server software.

    • If the quorumserver service is disabled, use the svcadm enable command.

      # svcadm enable svc:/system/cluster/quorumserver:default
    • If the quorumserver service is online, use the clquorumserver command.

      # clquorumserver start +

ProcedureHow to Stop Quorum Server Software on the Solaris 10 OS

    Disable the quorumserver service.

    # svcadm disable svc:/system/cluster/quorumserver:default

ProcedureHow To Start Quorum Server Software on the Solaris 9 OS

  1. Start Quorum Server software.

    # clquorumserver start +
  2. Rename the /etc/rc2.d/.S99quorumserver file as /etc/rc2.d/S99quorumserver.

    # mv /etc/rc2.d/.S99quorumserver /etc/rc2.d/S99quorumserver

ProcedureHow To Stop Quorum Server Software on the Solaris 9 OS

  1. Stop Quorum Server software.

    # clquorumserver stop +
  2. Start Quorum Server software.

    # mv /etc/rc2.d/S99quorumserver /etc/rc2.d/.S99quorumserver