Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Reference


An owner of an IMAP folder may grant permission for others to read mail in the folder. A folder that others are allowed to access is called a shared folder. Administrators can use the readership utility to see how many users other than the owner are accessing a shared folder or have access rights to shared folders.

Requirements: Must be run locally on the messaging server; the stored utility must also be running.

Location: msg_svr_base/sbin/


readership [-d days] [-p months] [-l] [-s folder identifier right]


The options for this command are:



-d days

Counts as a reader any identity that has selected the shared IMAP folder within the indicated number of days. The default is 30.

-p months

Does not count users who have not selected the shared IMAP folder within the indicated number of months. The default is infinity and removes the seen flag data for those users. This option also removes the “seen” flag data for those users from the store. 


List the shared folders shared to that specific user. 

-s folder identifier right

Setacl for folder.