Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Delegated Administrator 指南



若要建立您自己的服務套裝軟體,請使用儲存在 da.cos.skeleton.ldif 檔案中的服務類別範本。

特別建立此檔案以用做撰寫自訂服務類別範本的範本。配置 Delegated Administrator 時,此檔案未安裝在 LDAP 目錄中。

da.cos.skeleton.ldif 包含四個參數化範本,Delegated Administrator 提供的每個服務類別定義均對應一個範本:

您可以使用 da.cos.skeleton.ldif 檔案中的一個或多個參數化範本建立自己的服務類別範本。

da.cos.skeleton.ldif 檔案中的服務類別範本如下:

# Templates for creating COS templates for service packages.
# There are four COS definitions :
#   standardUserMail
#   standardUserCalendar
#   standardUserMailCalendar
#   standardGroupMail
# Each definition can have zero or more COS templates which
# define specific values for the attributes listed in the 
# COS definition.
# Each COS definition points to a corresponding subdirectory
# in which COS templates for that definition (and no other
# definition) are found.  The templates directory structure
# is as follows:
# standardUserMail	      => o=mailuser,o=costemplates,<ugldapbasedn>
# standardUserCalendar      => o=calendaruser,o=costemplates,
#                               <ugldapbasedn>
# standardUserMailCalendar  => o=mailcalendaruser,o=costemplates,
#                               <ugldapbasedn>
# standardGroupMail	      => o=mailgroup,o=costemplates,
#                               <ugldapbasedn>
# Thus, all COS templates for the user mail service are found in the
# o=mailuser,o=costemplates,<ugldapbasedn> directory, etc.
# It is not necessary to have any templates for a given definition. 
# In that case default values are assumed for those attributes defined
# in the COS definition.
# If a template is created for a definition there should be at least
# one attribute with a defined value.
# Consult documentation for values for the attributes.  
# Documentation includes units and default values.
# The finished COS derived from this skeleton is added to the 
# directory with the following command:
# ldapmodify -D <directory manager> -w <password> 
# -f <cos.finished.template.ldif>
#	standardMailUser COS template
# There must be a least one of the following attributes:
# - mailMsgMaxBlocks
# - mailQuota
# - mailMsgQuota
# - mailAllowedServiceAccess
dn: cn=<service package name>,o=mailuser,o=cosTemplates,<rootSuffix>
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: extensibleobject
objectclass: cosTemplate
cn: <service package name>
mailMsgMaxBlocks: <mailMsgMaxBlocksValue>
mailQuota: <ma:ilQuotaValue>
mailMsgQuota: <mailMsgQuotaValue>
mailAllowedServiceAccess: <mailAllowedServiceAccessValue>
#	standardCalendarUser COS template
# There must be a least one of the following attributes:
# - icsPreferredHost
# - icsDWPHost
# - icsFirstDay
dn: cn=<service package name>,o=calendaruser,o=cosTemplates,
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: extensibleobject
objectclass: cosTemplate
cn: <service package name>
icsPreferredHost: <preferredHostValue>
icsDWPHost: <dwpHostValue>
icsFirstDay: <firstDayValue>
daServiceType: calendar user
#	standardMailCalendarUser COS template
# There must be a least one of the following attributes:
# - mailMsgMaxBlocks
# - mailQuota
# - mailMsgQuota
# - mailAllowedServiceAccess
dn: cn=<service package name>,o=mailcalendaruser,o=cosTemplates,
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: extensibleobject
objectclass: cosTemplate
cn: <service package name>
mailMsgMaxBlocks: <mailMsgMaxBlocksValue>
mailquota: <mailQuotaValue>
mailmsgquota: <mailMsgQuotaValue>
mailAllowedServiceAccess: <mailAllowedServiceAccessValue>
daServiceType: calendar user
daServiceType: mail user
#	standardMailGroup COS template
# There must be a least one of the following attributes:
# - mailMsgMaxBlocks
dn: cn=<service package name>,o=mailgroup,o=cosTemplates,
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: extensibleobject
objectclass: cosTemplate
cn: <service package name>
mailMsgMaxBlocks: <mailMsgMaxBlocksValue>
daServiceType: mail group


  1. 複製並重新命名 da.cos.skeleton.ldif 檔案中的一個參數化範本。

    安裝 Delegated Administrator 時,da.cos.skeleton.ldif 檔案安裝在以下目錄中:


    選擇 da.cos.skeleton.ldif 檔案中以下範本中的其中一個範本,以複製並重新命名:

  2. 在範本副本中編輯以下參數:

    • <ugldapbasedn>

      將根字尾參數 <rootSuffix> 變更為您的根字尾 (如 o=usergroup)。

      <ugldapbasedn> 參數將顯示在 DN 中。

    • <service package name>

      <service package name> 參數變更為您自己的服務套裝軟體名稱。

      <service package name> 參數將顯示在 DN 和 cn 中。

    • 郵件屬性值:




      mailMsgMaxBlocks: 400 
      mailQuota: 400000000 
      mailMsgQuota: 5000 
      mailAllowedServiceAccess: imap:ALL$+pop:ALL$+smtp:ALL$+http:ALL
    • 行事曆屬性值:


      這些參數代表 icsPreferredHosticsDWPHosticsFirstDay LDAP 屬性的值。


    如需這些屬性的定義和說明,請參閱「Sun Java System Communications Services Schema Reference」中的「Chapter 3:Messaging Server and Calendar Server Attributes」。


  3. 使用 LDAP 目錄工具 ldapmodify 在目錄中安裝服務套裝軟體。


    ldapmodify -D <directory manager> -w <password> -f <cos.finished.template.ldif>


    <directory manager> 是 Directory Server 管理員的名稱。

    <password> 是 Directory Service 管理員的密碼。

    <cos.finished.template.ldif> 是要在目錄中做為服務套裝軟體安裝的已編輯 ldif 檔案的名稱。