Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Removing Installed Components

If you are discontinuing use of a component and want to remove it from your system, you can do this by using the uninstall command. If you need to revert to a prior version of a component, you will need to uninstall the current version and install the prior version by specifying the version number.

ProcedureTo Uninstall an Installed Component

  1. Stop GlassFish Server.

    See To Stop a Domain.

  2. To ensure that the pkg command can locate the application image, change to the base installation directory for GlassFish Server.

    cd as-install

    The base installation directory for GlassFish Server.

  3. Obtain a list of all your installed components.

    pkg list
    NAME (PUBLISHER)                              VERSION         STATE      UFIX
    felix                                         2.0.2-0         installed  u---
    glassfish-appclient                           3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-cmp                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-common                              3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-common-full                         3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-corba                               3.0.0-41        installed  u---
    glassfish-corba-base                          3.0.0-41        installed  u---
    glassfish-ejb                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-ejb-lite                            3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-full-incorporation                  3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-full-profile                        3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-grizzly                             1.9.18-9        installed  u---
    glassfish-grizzly-full                        1.9.18-9        installed  u---
    glassfish-gui                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-hk2                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-javahelp                            2.0.2-0         installed  u---
    glassfish-jca                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jcdi                                3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jdbc                                3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jms                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jpa                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jsf                                 2.0.2-10        installed  u---
    glassfish-jta                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jts                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-management                          3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-nucleus                             3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-registration                        3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-scripting                           3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-upgrade                             3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-web                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-web-incorporation                   3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-web-profile                         3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    javadb-client                             installed  ----
    javadb-common                             installed  ----
    javadb-core                               installed  ----
    jersey                                        1.1.5-1.0       installed  u---
    metro                                         2.0-29          installed  u---
    mq-bin-exe                                    4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-bin-sh                                     4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-config-gf                                  4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-core                                       4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-server                                     4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    pkg                                           1.122.2-38.2493 installed  ----
    pkg-java                                      1.122-38.2493   installed  ----
    pkg-toolkit-incorporation                     2.3.0-38.2493   installed  ----
    python2.4-minimal                    installed  ----
  4. Uninstall the component that you want to remove from your system.

    pkg uninstall package-name

    For example:

    pkg uninstall jruby
  5. Start GlassFish Server.

    See To Restart a Domain.

See Also

For the full syntax and options of the pkg command, see the pkg(1) man page. This man page is installed only after the pkg utilities have been fully installed.

To view this man page on UNIX and Linux systems, type the following command in a terminal window:

man -M as-install-parent/pkg/man/ pkg

To view this man page on Windows systems, use the type command to view the file as-install-parent\pkg\man\cat1\pkg.1.

ProcedureTo Uninstall and Revert to an Older Version of a Component

If there is a malfunction in an installed component, you might want to revert to an older version of that component. The way to restore an older version of a component is to first uninstall the current version of the component, then install the specific older version that you want to reinstate.

Before You Begin

Be sure to verify that the older version of the component is in the repository before you uninstall your current version.

  1. Stop GlassFish Server.

    See To Stop a Domain.

  2. To ensure that the pkg command can locate the application image, change to the base installation directory for GlassFish Server.

    cd as-install

    The base installation directory for GlassFish Server.

  3. Verify that the older version of the component is still available:

    pkg list -fa pkg-name

    For example:

    pkg list -fa jersey
    NAME (PUBLISHER)                              VERSION         STATE      UFIX
    jersey                                        1.1.5-1.0       installed  ----
    jersey                                   known      u---
    jersey                                   known      u---
    jersey                                   known      u---
  4. Obtain a list of your installed components:

    pkg list
  5. Uninstall the currently-installed component that you want to replace.

    pkg uninstall package-name

    For example:

    pkg uninstall jersey
  6. Install the older version of the component.

    pkg install package-name@version

    For example:

    pkg install jersey@0.7-0.2
  7. Verify that the older version is installed:

    pkg list
  8. Start GlassFish Server.

    See To Start a Domain.

See Also

For the full syntax and options of the pkg command, see the pkg(1) man page. This man page is installed only after the pkg utilities have been fully installed.

To view this man page on UNIX and Linux systems, type the following command in a terminal window:

man -M as-install-parent/pkg/man/ pkg

To view this man page on Windows systems, use the type command to view the file as-install-parent\pkg\man\cat1\pkg.1.