Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide

XML Representation of a Message Parameter or a Query Parameter

The XML representation of a message parameter or a query parameter is as follows:

<parameter-name attribute-list/>

The replaceable items in this format are as follows:


The name of the parameter.


A space-separated list of name-value pairs of attributes for the parameter. Each pair is in the following format:


Possible attributes are as follows:

Default Value

The default value of the parameter.

Acceptable Values

The set or range of acceptable values for the parameter.


The data type of the parameter, which is one of the following types:

  • boolean

  • int

  • string


Indicates whether the parameter is optional. If true, the parameter is optional. If false, the parameter is required.


Indicates whether the parameter is key. If true, the parameter is key. If false, the parameter is not key.