Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Web Browsers and Password Storage

Most web browsers can save login credentials entered through HTML forms. This function can be configured by the user and also by applications that employ user credentials. If the function is enabled, then credentials entered by the user are stored on their local computer and retrieved by the browser on future visits to the same application. This function is convenient for users, but can also be a security risk. The stored credentials can be captured by an attacker who gains access to the computer, either locally or through some remote compromise. Further, methods have existed whereby a malicious web site can retrieve the stored credentials for other applications, by exploiting browser vulnerabilities or through application-level cross-domain attacks.

The easiest way to globally prevent browsers from storing credentials entered into an HTML form is to include the attribute autocomplete="off" within the FORM tag or within the relevant INPUT tags. However, this workaround is not possible when an HTML form is not used to input login credentials. This is often the case with dynamic pages generated through scripting languages, like the login page for the GlassFish Server Administration Console. To prevent your web browser from saving login credentials for the GlassFish Server Administration Console, choose “No” or “Never for this page” when prompted by the browser during login.