Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Application Development Guide

Attributes of sun-appserv-deploy

The following table describes attributes for the sun-appserv-deploy task.

Table 3–2 The sun-appserv-deploy Attributes






(optional if a component or fileset subelement is present, otherwise required) The component to deploy. If this attribute refers to a file, it must be a valid archive. If this attribute refers to a directory, it must contain a valid archive in which all components have been exploded. If upload is set to false, this must be an absolute path on the server machine.


file name without extension 

(optional) The display name for the component being deployed. 



(optional) If true, the component is overwritten if it already exists on the server. If false, sun-appserv-deploy fails if the component exists.


client stubs not saved 

(optional) The directory where client stubs are saved. This attribute is inherited by nested component elements.



(optional) If true, all JSP files found in an enterprise application (.ear) or web application (.war) are precompiled. This attribute is ignored for other component types. This attribute is inherited by nested component elements.



(optional) If true, syntax and semantics for all deployment descriptors are automatically verified for correctness. This attribute is inherited by nested component elements.


file name without extension 

(optional) The context root for a web module (WAR file). This attribute is ignored if the component is not a WAR file. 


sun-ejb-jar.xml entry

(optional) The name of the database vendor for which tables can be created. Allowed values are javadb, db2, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgresql, pointbase, derby (also for CloudScape), and sybase, case-insensitive.

If not specified, the value of the database-vendor-name attribute in sun-ejb-jar.xml is used.

If no value is specified, a connection is made to the resource specified by the jndi-name subelement of the cmp-resource element in the sun-ejb-jar.xml file, and the database vendor name is read. If the connection cannot be established, or if the value is not recognized, SQL-92 compliance is presumed.

For details, see Generation Options for CMP.


sun-ejb-jar.xml entry

(optional) If true, causes database tables to be created for beans that need them. If false, does not create tables. If not specified, the value of the create-tables-at-deploy attribute in sun-ejb-jar.xml is used.

For details, see Generation Options and Generation Options for CMP.


sun-ejb-jar.xml entry

(optional) If true, and if tables were automatically created when this application was last deployed, tables from the earlier deployment are dropped and fresh ones are created.

If true, and if tables were not automatically created when this application was last deployed, no attempt is made to drop any tables. If tables with the same names as those that would have been automatically created are found, the deployment proceeds, but a warning indicates that tables could not be created.

If false, settings of create-tables-at-deploy or drop-tables-at-undeploy in the sun-ejb-jar.xml file are overridden.

For details, see Generation Options and Generation Options for CMP.


sun-ejb-jar.xml entry

(optional) If true, specifies that table names are unique within each GlassFish Server domain. If not specified, the value of the use-unique-table-names property in sun-ejb-jar.xml is used.

For details, see Generation Options for CMP.



(optional) If true, enables the component.



(optional) A deployment plan is a JAR file containing GlassFish Server descriptors. Use this attribute when deploying an EAR file that lacks GlassFish Server descriptors. 



(optional) If true, enables high availability features, including persistence of HTTP sessions and checkpointing of the stateful session bean state.



(optional) If true, generates the static RMI-IIOP stubs and puts them in the client JAR file.



(optional) If true, the component is transferred to the server for deployment. If the component is being deployed on the local machine, set upload to false to reduce deployment time. If a directory is specified for deployment, upload must be false.


default virtual server only 

(optional) A comma-separated list of virtual servers to be deployment targets. This attribute applies only to application (.ear) or web (.war) components and is ignored for other component types. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements.



(optional) The user name used when logging into the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements.



(optional) File containing passwords. The password from this file is retrieved for communication with the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements.



(optional) Target server. When deploying to a remote server, use the fully qualified host name. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements.



(optional) The administration port on the target server. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements.


name of default instance 

(optional) Target server instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements.


see description 

(optional) The installation directory for the local GlassFish Server installation, which is used to find the administrative classes. If not specified, the command checks if the asinstalldir parameter has been set. Otherwise, administrative classes must be in the system classpath.