Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Scripting Framework Guide

Monitor Rails Applications on GlassFish Server 3.0.1

The GlassFish Server 3.0.1 offers monitoring services for various objects.

Monitoring is the process of reviewing the statistics of a system to improve performance or solve problems. The monitoring service can track and display operational statistics, such as the number of requests per second, the average response time, and the throughput. For more information on monitoring, see Chapter 8, Administering the Monitoring Service, in Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide.

Monitoring for JRuby Container

The JRuby container installed on the GlassFish Server can be configured to be monitored. By default the monitoring services are disabled.

Monitoring can be configured for the container using the following asadmin CLI command:

configure-jruby-container --monitoring=true

The monitoring service can be enabled or disabled. Enable monitoring for GlassFish Server JRuby container with the following runtime command:

enable-monitoring --modules jruby-container=HIGH

The other possible values are OFF or LOW. Disable the monitoring for JRuby container with the following command:

disable-monitoring --modules jruby-container=OFF

Viewing JRuby Container Statistics

JRuby statistics are available through both the asadmin CLI and the Administration Console. To learn more about different types of JRuby statistics available from GlassFish Server, see JRuby Statistics in Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide.