Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Administration Guide

Viewing User Information

The imqusermgr list command displays information about a user in the user repository:

   imqusermgr list  [-i brokerName]
                    [-u userName]

The command

   imqusermgr list  -u AliBaba

displays information about user AliBabe, as shown in Example 9–1.

Example 9–1 Viewing Information for a Single User

User repository for broker instance: imqbroker
User Name    Group    Active State
AliBaba      admin    true

If you omit the -u option

   imqusermgr list

the command lists information about all users in the repository, as in Example 9–2.

Example 9–2 Viewing Information for All Users

User repository for broker instance: imqbroker
User Name    Group        Active State
admin        admin        true
guest        anonymous    true
AliBaba      admin        true
testuser1    user         true
testuser2    user         true
testuser3    user         true
testuser4    user         false
testuser5    user         false