Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Administration Guide

Setting up JAAS-Compliant Authentication

Setting up JAAS-compliant authentication involves setting broker and system properties to select this type of authentication, to specify the location of the configuration file, and to specify the entries to the login modules that are going to be used.

To set up JAAS support for Message Queue, you perform the following general steps. (These steps assume you are creating your own authentication service.)

  1. Create one or more login module classes that implement the authentication service. The JAAS callback types that the broker supports are listed below.

    The broker uses this callback to pass the authentication service the locale in which the broker is running. This value can be used for localization.

    The broker uses this callback to pass to the authentication service the user name specified by the Message Queue client when the connection was requested.

    The broker uses this callback to pass the value of the following information to the login module (authentication service) when requested through the TextInputCallback.getPrompt() with the following strings:

    • imq.authentication.type: The broker authentication type in effect at runtime

    • imq.accesscontrol.type: The broker access control type in effect at runtime

    • imq.authentication.clientip: The client IP address (null if unavailable)

    • imq.servicename: The name of the connection service (jms, ssljms, admin, or ssladmin) being used by the client

    • imq.servicetype: The type of the connection service (NORMAL or ADMIN) being used by the client

    The broker uses this callback to pass to the authentication service the password specified by the Message Queue client when the connection was requested.

    The broker handles this callback to provide logging service to the authentication service by logging the text output to the broker's log file. The callback's MessageType ERROR, INFORMATION, WARNING are mapped to the broker logging levels ERROR, INFO, WARNING respectively.

  2. Create a JAAS configuration file with entries that reference the login module classes created in Step 1 and specify the location of this file.

  3. Note the name of the entry in the JAAS configuration file (that references the login module implementation classes).

  4. Archive the classes that implement the login modules to a jar file, and place the jar file in the Message Queue lib/ext directory.

  5. Set the broker configuration properties that relate to JAAS support. These are described in Table 9–4.

  6. Set the following system property (to specify the location of the JAAS configuration file).

    For example, you can specify the location when you start the broker.


    There are other ways to specify the location of the JAAS configuration file. For additional information, please see

The following table lists the broker properties that need to be set to set up JAAS support.

Table 9–4 Broker Properties for JAAS Support




Set to basic to indicate Base-64 password encoding. This is the only permissible value for JAAS authentication.


Set to jaas to specify JAAS authentication.

Set to the name of the desired entry (in the JAAS configuration file) that references the login modules you want to use as the authentication mechanism. This is the name you noted in Step 3. 


This property, used by Message Queue access control, specifies the implementation class in the login module(s) that the broker uses to extract the Principal name to represent the user entity in the Message Queue access control file. If, it is not specified, the user name passed from the Message Queue client when a connection was requested is used instead.


This property, used by Message Queue access control, specifies the implementation class in the login module(s) that the broker uses to extract the Principal name to represent the group entity in the Message Queue access control file. If, it is not specified, the group rules, if any, in the Message Queue access control file are ignored.