Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Technical Overview

JAAS-Based Authentication

In addition to the file-based and LDAP-based built-in authentication mechanisms, Message Queue also supports the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS), which allows you to plug a variety of services into the broker to authenticate Message Queue clients.

JAAS defines an abstraction layer between an application and an authentication mechanism, allowing the desired mechanism to be plugged in with no disruption or change to application code. For the Message Queue service, the abstraction layer lies between the broker and the authentication provider. By setting a few broker properties, it is possible to plug in any JAAS-compliant authentication service and to upgrade or change this service with no disruption or change to broker code.

The service to be plugged in consists of a LoginModule and of logic that performs the authentication. A JAAS configuration file contains the location of the LoginModule. When the broker starts up it locates this file and uses information in the file to determine which LoginModules it will use to perform the authentication. The fact that the broker plugs in an authentication service is transparent to the client; the client continues to pass authentication information to the broker as before and gains access to broker services if the identifying information (user name, password) is authenticated by the plugged in service.

For complete information about JAAS-based authentication, see Using JAAS-Based Authentication in Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Administration Guide.