Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Release Notes

Message Queue 4.4.2 Supported Platforms and Components

This section covers the following topics regarding Message Queue 4.4.2 system requirements:

Platform Support

As a participant in the 3.0.1 release of Oracle GlassFish Server, Message Queue 4.4.2 supports the operating environments, databases, LDAP servers, and hardware listed in the Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Certification Matrix, which is accessible at the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page.

System Virtualization Support

System virtualization is a technology that enables multiple operating system (OS) instances to execute independently on shared hardware. Functionally, software deployed to an OS hosted in a virtualized environment is generally unaware that the underlying platform has been virtualized. Oracle performs testing of its products on select system virtualization and OS combinations to help validate that Oracle products continue to function on properly sized and configured virtualized environments as they do on non-virtualized systems.

For information about Oracle support for Oracle products in virtualized environments, see Supported Virtualization Technologies with Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Optional Support Components

In addition to the software components listed in the Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Certification Matrix, Table 1–2 shows components that you can install to provide additional support for Message Queue clients.

Table 1–2 Optional Support Components



Supported Versions 

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)

Administered object support and LDAP user repository

JNDI Version 1.2.1

LDAP Service Provider, Version 1.2.2

File System Service Provider, Version 1.2 Beta 3 [Administered object support only; supported for development and testing, but not for deployment in a production environment]

C Compiler and compatible C++ runtime library 

Message Queue C clients 

Solaris: Oracle Solaris Studio, Version 12 or later, C++ compiler with standard mode and C compiler

Linux: gcc/g++, Version 3.4.6

Windows: Microsoft Windows Visual Studio, Version 2008 SP1

Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR)

Message Queue C clients 

Version 4.8.4 

Network Security Services (NSS)

Message Queue C clients 

Version 3.12.6