Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Release Notes

New Zip-Based Installer

Message Queue 4.3 introduces a new installer for Zip-based distributions, as opposed to native package distributions. The installer is used to install the new Message Queue .zip distributions for the AIX platform.

The new installer extracts Message Queue .zip files to any directory for which you have write access (you do not need root privileges) and it also enables you to register your Message Queue installation with Sun Connection.

To minimize the size of download bundles, the Java Runtime is no longer be included in the zip-based distribution (most sites will already have it). As a result, the installer command requires that a JDK or JRE be specified, either by using the JAVA_HOME environment variable or by using the -j option on the command line, as follows:

$ installer -j JDK/JRE-path

where JDK/JRE-path is the path of the specified JDK or JRE.