The Java EE 6 Tutorial

Writing the Client for the Queue Browser Example

To create a QueueBrowser for a queue, you call the Session.createBrowser method with the queue as the argument. You obtain the messages in the queue as an Enumeration object. You can then iterate through the Enumeration object and display the contents of each message.

    The messagebrowser/src/java/ client performs the following steps:

  1. Injects resources for a connection factory and a queue.

  2. Creates a Connection and a Session.

  3. Creates a QueueBrowser:

    QueueBrowser browser = session.createBrowser(queue);
  4. Retrieves the Enumeration that contains the messages:

    Enumeration msgs = browser.getEnumeration();
  5. Verifies that the Enumeration contains messages, then displays the contents of the messages:

    if ( !msgs.hasMoreElements() ) { 
        System.out.println("No messages in queue");
    } else { 
        while (msgs.hasMoreElements()) { 
            Message tempMsg = (Message)msgs.nextElement(); 
            System.out.println("Message: " + tempMsg); 
  6. Closes the connection, which automatically closes the session and QueueBrowser.

The format in which the message contents appear is implementation-specific. In the GlassFish Server, the message format looks like this:

Message contents: 
Text:   This is message 3 from producer
Class:                  com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.TextMessageImpl
getJMSMessageID():      ID:14-
getJMSTimestamp():      1129061034355
getJMSCorrelationID():  null
JMSReplyTo:             null
JMSDestination:         PhysicalQueue
getJMSDeliveryMode():   PERSISTENT
getJMSRedelivered():    false
getJMSType():           null
getJMSExpiration():     0
getJMSPriority():       4
Properties:             null

You will use the connection factory and queue you created in To Create JMS Administered Objects for the Synchronous Receive Example.