The Java EE 6 Tutorial

An Application Example That Deploys a Message-Driven Bean on Two Servers

This section, like the preceding one, explains how to write, compile, package, deploy, and run a pair of Java EE modules that use the JMS API and run on two Java EE servers. The modules are slightly more complex than the ones in the first example.

The modules use the following components:

In this section, the term local server means the server on which both the application client and the message-driven bean are deployed (earth in the preceding example). The term remote server means the server on which only the message-driven bean is deployed (jupiter in the preceding example).

You will find the source files for this section in tut-install/examples/jms/sendremote/. Path names in this section are relative to this directory.

Overview of the sendremote Example Modules

This pair of modules is somewhat similar to the modules in An Application Example That Consumes Messages from a Remote Server in that the only components are a client and a message-driven bean. However, the modules here use these components in more complex ways. One module consists of the application client. The other module contains only the message-driven bean and is deployed twice, once on each server.

The basic steps of the modules are as follows.

  1. You start two Java EE servers, one on each system.

  2. On the local server (earth), you create two connection factories: one local and one that communicates with the remote server (jupiter). On the remote server, you create a connection factory that has the same name as the one that communicates with the remote server.

  3. The application client looks up the two connection factories (the local one and the one that communicates with the remote server) to create two connections, sessions, publishers, and subscribers. The subscribers use a message listener.

  4. Each publisher publishes five messages.

  5. Each of the local and the remote message-driven beans receives five messages and sends replies.

  6. The client’s message listener consumes the replies.

Figure 31–6 illustrates the structure of this application. M1 represents the first message sent using the local connection factory, and RM1 represents the first reply message sent by the local MDB. M2 represents the first message sent using the remote connection factory, and RM2 represents the first reply message sent by the remote MDB.

Figure 31–6 A Java EE Application That Sends Messages to Two Servers

Diagram of application showing an application client
sending messages to two servers and receiving the replies

Writing the Module Components for the sendremote Example

Writing the components of the modules involves coding the application client and the message-driven bean.

Coding the Application Client:

    The application client class, multiclient/src/java/, does the following.

  1. It injects resources for two connection factories and a topic.

  2. For each connection factory, it creates a connection, a publisher session, a publisher, a subscriber session, a subscriber, and a temporary topic for replies.

  3. Each subscriber sets its message listener, ReplyListener, and starts the connection.

  4. Each publisher publishes five messages and creates a list of the messages the listener should expect.

  5. When each reply arrives, the message listener displays its contents and removes it from the list of expected messages.

  6. When all the messages have arrived, the client exits.

Coding the Message-Driven Bean:

    The message-driven bean class, replybean/src/, does the following:

  1. Uses the @MessageDriven annotation:

    @MessageDriven(mappedName = "jms/Topic")
  2. Injects resources for the MessageDrivenContext and for a connection factory. It does not need a destination resource because it uses the value of the incoming message’s JMSReplyTo header as the destination.

  3. Uses a @PostConstruct callback method to create the connection, and a @PreDestroy callback method to close the connection.

    The onMessage method of the message-driven bean class does the following:

  1. Casts the incoming message to a TextMessage and displays the text

  2. Creates a connection, a session, and a publisher for the reply message

  3. Publishes the message to the reply topic

  4. Closes the connection

On both servers, the bean will consume messages from the topic jms/Topic.

Creating Resources for the sendremote Example

This example uses the connection factory named jms/ConnectionFactory and the topic named jms/Topic. These objects must exist on both the local and the remote servers.

This example uses an additional connection factory, jms/JupiterConnectionFactory, which communicates with the remote system; you created it in To Create Administered Objects for Multiple Systems. This connection factory must exist on the local server.

The build.xml file for the multiclient module contains targets that you can use to create these resources if you deleted them previously.

ProcedureTo Use Two Application Servers for the sendremote Example

If you are using NetBeans IDE, you need to add the remote server in order to deploy the message-driven bean there. To do so, follow these steps.

  1. In NetBeans IDE, click the Runtime tab.

  2. Right-click the Servers node and select Add Server. In the Add Server Instance dialog, follow these steps:

    1. Select GlassFish v3 (the default) from the Server list.

    2. In the Name field, specify a name slightly different from that of the local server, such as GlassFish v3 (2).

    3. Click Next.

    4. For the Server Location, you can either browse to the location of the GlassFish Server on the remote system or, if that location is not visible from the local system, use the default location on the local system.

    5. Click Next.

    6. Select the Register Remote Domain radio button.

    7. In the Host Name field, type the name of the remote system.

    8. Click Finish.

Next Steps

Before you can run the example, you must change the default name of the JMS host on jupiter, as described in To Change the Default Host Name Using the Administration Console. If you have already performed this task, you do not have to repeat it.

ProcedureTo Build, Package, Deploy, and Run the sendremote Modules Using NetBeans IDE

  1. To build the replybean module, follow these steps:

    1. In NetBeans IDE, select File->Open Project.

    2. In the Open Project dialog, navigate to:

    3. Select the replybean folder.

    4. Select the Open as Main Project check box.

    5. Click Open Project.

    6. In the Projects tab, right-click the replybean project and select Build.

      This command creates a JAR file that contains the bean class file.

  2. To build the multiclient module, follow these steps:

    1. Select File->Open Project.

    2. Select the multiclient folder.

    3. Select the Open as Main Project check box.

    4. Click Open Project.

    5. In the Projects tab, right-click the multiclient project and select Build.

      This command creates a JAR file that contains the client class file and a manifest file.

  3. To deploy the multiclient module on the local server, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click the multiclient project and select Properties.

    2. Select Run from the Categories tree.

    3. From the Server list, select GlassFish v3 Domain (the local server).

    4. Click OK.

    5. Right-click the multiclient project and select Deploy.

      You can use the Services tab to verify that multiclient is deployed as an App Client Module on the local server.

  4. To deploy the replybean module on the local and remote servers, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click the replybean project and select Properties.

    2. Select Run from the Categories tree.

    3. From the Server list, select GlassFish v3 Domain (the local server).

    4. Click OK.

    5. Right-click the replybean project and select Deploy.

    6. Right-click the replybean project again and select Properties.

    7. Select Run from the Categories tree.

    8. From the Server list, select GlassFish v3 (2) (the remote server).

    9. Click OK.

    10. Right-click the replybean project and select Deploy.

      You can use the Services tab to verify that replybean is deployed as an EJB Module on both servers.

  5. To run the application client, right-click the multiclient project and select Run Project.

    This command returns a JAR file named multiclientClient.jar and then executes it.

    On the local system, the output of the appclient command looks something like this:

    running application client container.
    Sent message: text: id=1 to local app server
    Sent message: text: id=2 to remote app server
    ReplyListener: Received message: id=1, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=1 to local
     app server
    Sent message: text: id=3 to local app server
    ReplyListener: Received message: id=3, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=3 to local
     app server
    ReplyListener: Received message: id=2, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=2 to remote
     app server
    Sent message: text: id=4 to remote app server
    ReplyListener: Received message: id=4, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=4 to remote
     app server
    Sent message: text: id=5 to local app server
    ReplyListener: Received message: id=5, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=5 to local
     app server
    Sent message: text: id=6 to remote app server
    ReplyListener: Received message: id=6, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=6 to remote
     app server
    Sent message: text: id=7 to local app server
    ReplyListener: Received message: id=7, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=7 to local
     app server
    Sent message: text: id=8 to remote app server
    ReplyListener: Received message: id=8, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=8 to remote
     app server
    Sent message: text: id=9 to local app server
    ReplyListener: Received message: id=9, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=9 to local
     app server
    Sent message: text: id=10 to remote app server
    ReplyListener: Received message: id=10, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=10 to remote
     app server
    Waiting for 0 message(s) from local app server
    Waiting for 0 message(s) from remote app server
    Closing connection 1
    Closing connection 2

    On the local system, where the message-driven bean receives the odd-numbered messages, the output in the server log looks like this (wrapped in logging information):

    ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=1 to local app server
    ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=3 to local app server
    ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=5 to local app server
    ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=7 to local app server
    ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=9 to local app server

    On the remote system, where the bean receives the even-numbered messages, the output in the server log looks like this (wrapped in logging information):

    ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=2 to remote app server
    ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=4 to remote app server
    ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=6 to remote app server
    ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=8 to remote app server
    ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=10 to remote app server

ProcedureTo Build, Package, Deploy, and Run the sendremote Modules Using Ant

  1. To package the modules, follow these steps:

    1. Go to the following directory:

    2. Type the following command:


      This command creates a JAR file that contains the client class file and a manifest file.

    3. Change to the directory replybean:

      cd ../replybean
    4. Type the following command:


      This command creates a JAR file that contains the bean class file.

  2. To deploy the replybean module on the local and remote servers, follow these steps:

    1. Verify that you are still in the directory replybean.

    2. Type the following command:

      ant deploy

      Ignore the message that states that the application is deployed at a URL.

    3. Type the following command:

      ant deploy-remote -Dsys=remote-system-name

      Replace remote-system-name with the actual name of the remote system.

  3. To deploy and run the client, follow these steps:

    1. Change to the directory multiclient:

      cd ../multiclient
    2. Type the following command:

      ant run

      On the local system, the output looks something like this:

      running application client container.
      Sent message: text: id=1 to local app server
      Sent message: text: id=2 to remote app server
      ReplyListener: Received message: id=1, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=1 to local
       app server
      Sent message: text: id=3 to local app server
      ReplyListener: Received message: id=3, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=3 to local
       app server
      ReplyListener: Received message: id=2, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=2 to remote
       app server
      Sent message: text: id=4 to remote app server
      ReplyListener: Received message: id=4, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=4 to remote
       app server
      Sent message: text: id=5 to local app server
      ReplyListener: Received message: id=5, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=5 to local
       app server
      Sent message: text: id=6 to remote app server
      ReplyListener: Received message: id=6, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=6 to remote
       app server
      Sent message: text: id=7 to local app server
      ReplyListener: Received message: id=7, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=7 to local
       app server
      Sent message: text: id=8 to remote app server
      ReplyListener: Received message: id=8, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=8 to remote
       app server
      Sent message: text: id=9 to local app server
      ReplyListener: Received message: id=9, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=9 to local
       app server
      Sent message: text: id=10 to remote app server
      ReplyListener: Received message: id=10, text=ReplyMsgBean processed message: text: id=10 to remote
       app server
      Waiting for 0 message(s) from local app server
      Waiting for 0 message(s) from remote app server
      Closing connection 1
      Closing connection 2

      On the local system, where the message-driven bean receives the odd-numbered messages, the output in the server log looks like this (wrapped in logging information):

      ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=1 to local app server
      ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=3 to local app server
      ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=5 to local app server
      ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=7 to local app server
      ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=9 to local app server

      On the remote system, where the bean receives the even-numbered messages, the output in the server log looks like this (wrapped in logging information):

      ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=2 to remote app server
      ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=4 to remote app server
      ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=6 to remote app server
      ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=8 to remote app server
      ReplyMsgBean: Received message: text: id=10 to remote app server