The Java EE 6 Tutorial

Using View Parameters to Configure Bookmarkable URLs

The core tags f:metadata and f:viewparam are used as a source of parameters for configuring the URLs. View parameters are declared as part of f:metadata for a page, as shown in the following example:

  <f:viewParam id="name" name="Name" value="#{sampleBean.username}"/>
  <f:viewParam id="ID" name="uid" value="#{sampleBean.useridentity}"/>
<h:link outcome="response" value="Message" includeViewParams="true">

View parameters are declared with the f:viewparam tag and are placed inside the f:metadata tag. If the includeViewParams attribute is set on the component, the view parameters are added to the hyperlink.

The resulting URL will look like this:


    Because the URL can be the result of various parameter values, the order of the URL creation has been predefined. The order in which the various parameter values are read is as follows:

  1. Component

  2. Navigation-case parameters

  3. View parameters