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Sun ONE Identity Server Administration Guide

Chapter 4   Current Sessions

This chapter describes the session management features of Sun ONE Identity Server. The Session Management module provides a solution for viewing user session information and managing user sessions. It keeps track of various session times as well as allowing the administrator to terminate a session.

The Current Sessions Interface

The Current Sessions module interface allows an administrator, with the appropriate permissions, to view the session information for any user who is currently logged in to Identity Server.

Figure 4-1 Current Sessions Interface

Identity Server Console: Current Sessions interface allows you to view the current sessions and allows for the termination of any current session.

Session Management Pane

The Session Management pane displays the name of the Identity Server that is currently being administered.

Session Information Window

The Session Information window displays all of the users who are currently logged into Identity Server, and displays the session time for each user. The display fields are:

User ID

Displays the user ID of the user who is currently logged in.

Time Left

Displays the amount of time (in minutes) remaining that the user has for that session before having to reauthenticate.

Max Session Time

Displays the maximum time (in minutes) before the session expires and the user must reauthenticate to regain access.

Idle Time

Displays the time (in minutes) that have expired without the user performing any action.

Max Idle Time

Displays the maximum time (in minutes) that a user can remain idle before having to reauthenticate.

The time limits are defined by the administrator in the Session Management Service. See Session Attributes for more information.

You can display a specific user session, or a specific range of user sessions, by entering a string in the User ID field and clicking Filter. Wildcards are permitted.

Clicking the Refresh button will update the user session display.

Terminating a Session

Administrators with appropriate permissions can terminate a user session at any time. To do so:

  1. Select the user session that you wish to terminate.

  2. Click Terminate.

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Copyright 2002   Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated December 04, 2002