Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.2 Release Notes

Sample Applications

This section describes known and associated solutions related to the sample code included with the Application Server 8.2 product.

managementws sample needs to update MANIFEST.MF references from castor- to castor- (ID 6363339)

When running the verifier on <install_dir>/samples/webservices/jaxrpc/apps/managementws, you encounter the following warnings:

[exec] WARNING: /var/tmp/exploded20051214111425/managementws/ \
managementwsEjb_jar contains library/castor- in Class-Path 
manifest attribute, but it is not found in ear file
[exec] Dec 14, 2005 11:14:30 AM Archive getBundledArchives
[exec] WARNING: /var/tmp/exploded20051214111425/managementws/ \
managementwsEjb_jar contains library/castor- in Class-Path
manifest attribute, but it is not found in ear file

The Castor jar was updated in the Application Server 8.2 release, so all references to the older castor- should be changed to point to the newer castor- Specifically you need to change references in the MANIFEST.MF files to use castor- instead of the older castor-


Change the following references to the older Castor jar to point to the new Castor jar:


src/conf/MANIFEST.MF:Class-Path: library/castor-
src/conf/MANIFEST.MF:Name: library/castor-
managementws-ejb/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF:Class-Path: \


src/conf/MANIFEST.MF:Class-Path: library/castor-
src/conf/MANIFEST.MF:Name: library/castor-
managementws-ejb/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF:Class-Path: \

Next, clean up the build.xml file so it does not copy the Castor .jar to install_dir/lib during deployment and remove it during undeployment. The following are diffs of the old and new build.xml files.

% cvs diff build.xml Index: build.xml
RCS file: /m/jws/samples/samples8x/webservices/jaxrpc/apps/managementws/ \
managementws-standalone-client/ Attic/build.xml,v retrieving revision \
diff -r1.1.2.3 build.xml
<   <target name="remove_castor_from_classpath">
<       <delete file="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/castor-"/>
<   </target>
<   <target name="add_castor_to_classpath">
<       <delete file="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/castor-"/>
<       <copy file="../lib/castor-" \
            todir="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib" />
<   </target>
<   <target name="setup" depends="add_castor_to_classpath, restart.server"/>
<  jbenoit/galapago 196 >pwd
/net/galapago.east/files/share/8.2ws/samples/samples8x/webservices/jaxrpc \
jbenoit/galapago 197 >cd ..
jbenoit/galapago 198 >cvs diff build.xml
Index: build.xml
RCS file: /m/jws/samples/samples8x/webservices/jaxrpc/apps/managementws/ \
v retrieving revision
diff -r1.1.2.4 build.xml
<   <target name="setup">
<       <ant antfile="build.xml" inheritAll="true" dir="${}$ \
{standalone-client-dir-suffix}" target="setup"/>
<   </target>
<   <target name="unsetup">
<       <ant antfile="build.xml" inheritAll="true" dir="${}$ \
{standalone-client-dir-suffix}" target="remove_castor_from_classpath"/>
<   </target> 
<   <target name="deploy"   depends="select_binary_common, deploy_common, 
    setup" />
<   <target name="undeploy" depends="init,  undeploy_common, unsetup"/>
>   <target name="deploy"   depends="select_binary_common, deploy_common" />
>   <target name="undeploy" depends="init,  undeploy_common"/>