C H A P T E R  2

Customizing the Configuration

This chapter describes the use of the netcfg command when configuring system parameters. It contains the following sections:

Setting Network Configuration Parameters

You use the netcfg command to set various network configuration parameters, including:

The subsections that follow explain how to set these network configuration parameters.

Configuring an SMTP Server

single-step bulletType netcfg smtp followed by an IP address and port number to set the location of the SMTP server.

hc $ netcfg smtp 25

Note that the SMTP port number is not a required entry.

Configuring a Gateway

single-step bulletType netcfg gw followed by an IP address and subnet mask to set the default gateway (router) that the Sun StorageTek 5800 system uses.

hc $ netcfg gw

It is required that you specify a default gateway.

Configuring External NTP Servers

single-step bulletType netcfg ntp followed by the IP addresses to configure the external NTP servers that the Sun StorageTek 5800 system uses.

hc $ netcfg ntp,

It is required that you specify external NTP servers. The Sun StorageTek 5800 system requires a time server be configured.

Configuring an External Log Host

single-step bulletType netcfg loghost followed by an IP address to set an external log host for the Sun StorageTek 5800 system.

hc $ netcfg loghost

Configuring Authorized Clients

1. Enter netcfg clients followed by the IP addresses to configure authorized clients.

hc $ netcfg clients,,

Note that specifying authorized clients is optional. If you do not set this property, data access to the system is granted to any client on the network.

2. Enter netcfg clients all to reset this property and allow all clients to enter the system.

hc $ netcfg clients all

Configuring the Alert Subsystem

You use the alertcfg command to configure the alert subsystem. You can set the external log and email alert hosts, as well as any other alert parameters, such as email addresses for email alerts. Should you enter alertcfg with no parameters, the current values will display.

single-step bulletType alertcfg add to or alertcfg del cc to add or delete an email address from the specified list type.

hc $ alertcfg add to alerts@samplecompany.com
hc $ alertcfg del cc admin@samplecompany.com

Setting External Virtual IP Addresses

Use the ifconfig command to set the external virtual IP addresses. All network and node addresses that are internal to the cluster are private and not configurable. The cluster has two public host addresses, one for the data VIP and one for the administrative VIP.

1. Assign a data VIP with ifconfig data.

hc $ ifconfig data0

2. Assign an administrative VIP with ifconfig admin.

hc $ ifconfig admin0

Use data VIP for API access, and the administrative VIP to access the CLI.