Sun StorageTek 5800 System Client API Reference Guide

Chapter 2 Sun StorageTek 5800 System Java Client API

This chapter provides information on the 5800 system Java client API.

The following topics are discussed:

Overview of the 5800 System Java Client API

This section provides an overview of the 5800 system Java client API. The following topics are discussed:

Client Library

The 5800 system Java client library provides a simple way to communicate with 5800 system clusters. It provides programmatic access to the 5800 system network protocol, which operates over HTTP, enabling you to store, retrieve, query, and delete object data and metadata.

The 5800 system Java client library provides a platform-independent mechanism to upload data and metadata to a 5800 system, and to retrieve and query the data and metadata. The Java client library works with any implementation of J2SETM platform 4.0 or later with HTTP connectivity to the 5800 system cluster. Access is designed to be high-level and easy to use. Most operations are accomplished in a single (synchronous) function call.


The Java client API interacts with the 5800 system server entirely through an HTTP protocol. The HTTP communication layer uses the Apache Commons HTTP client.

Object data is streamed through the Java client library opaquely and a well-defined data hash is returned for verification purposes. Metadata is added or retrieved with typed accessors. The stored representation of metadata on the 5800 system server is not exposed to the user, and no hash is returned when metadata is stored.

The 5800 system Java client library provides the NameValueObjectArchive class as an application access layer, which should be appropriate for most applications. In addition, an advanced interface provides a mechanism to customize the 5800 system and to serve as a toolkit to build new applications.

Note –

The advanced toolkit is not described in this document. If you are interested in pursuing advanced applications, contact your 5800 system Sales Representative.

Retrying Operations

Calls to the Java API should be wrapped with retry logic so that their applications are resilient to transient failures that may be experienced when a node or switch fails while servicing an operation.

Requests that fail on recoverable HTTP errors are automatically retried once. A typical recoverable error occurs when the 5800 system HTTP server times out a connection that the client then tries to reuse (the client maintains a collection pool). This results in a connection failure at request time. Because this is a recoverable error, it is retried and the retry typically succeeds.

Performance and Scalability

Starting the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) incurs a performance penalty, but once the JVM is running, you can use the client object archive repeatedly and from multiple threads. I/O is synchronous (blocking). HTTP connections are pooled for performance. You should instantiate one instance of the NameValueObjectArchive per 5800 system server and use it for all access to that server until exit.

Updating Client View of the Schema

In the Java client API, the schema is fetched when the NameValueObjectArchive class is instantiated. If the schema has changed, the client application needs to create a new NameValueArchive. A local copy of the schema is used for some metadata operations.

Java Client Application Deployment

Java applications using the 5800 system Java API reference the honeycomb-client.jar library. You must include this library in your classpath when running your application. The 5800 system Java API was designed to run on Java v1.4, so you need to run your client applications with a Java environment of v1.4 or greater.

Java API

The 5800 system Java client library provides a simple way of communicating with 5800 system clusters. It provides programatic access to the 5800 system network protocol, which operates over HTTP. You can implement most applications using a handful of these classes, but access to “expert” features is also included.

This section discusses the following topics:

Java API Packages

The Java API is implemented in two packages:

Java API Documentation

The Java API documentation (Javadoc) is located in the SDK java/doc/htdocs directory, and can be accessed using a browser.

Basic Concepts

The root of the 5800 system Java client API is the NameValueObjectArchive class, which represents a connection to a single 5800 system server. All operations are initiated by invoking methods on a NameValueObjectArchive instance after initializing it with the address of a cluster. The fact that a cluster of machines, rather than a single server, is handling the requests is transparent to the application programmer.

A NameValueObjectArchive uses instances of the ObjectIdentifier class to uniquely identify stored data objects. That is, there is a one-to-one correspondence between instances of ObjectIdentifer and 5800 system metadata objects.

Note –

There is potentially a many-to-one relationship between metadata and data objects.

When using NameValueObjectArchive, all metadata queries are executed against a 5800 system server’s user-configurable index of name-value pair lists. This class also ensures that a metadata entry is created for every data object stored, even if no metadata is provided at store time.

An instance of the NameValueObjectArchive class functions as a proxy for the 5800 system server. Instantiation incurs some overhead in establishing communication, so reusing a single instance is the recommended practice. Multithreading is supported with the same instance.

NameValueObjectArchive also allows all metadata operations to be performed in terms of two classes that represent metadata records: SystemRecord and NameValueRecord. These classes represent 5800 system metadata entries. When using NameValueObjectArchive, every stored data object has a corresponding NameValueRecord that contains the extended attributes stored with that data object, and each NameValueRecord has a reference to its SystemRecord, which contains built-in system attributes such as data object size and creation time. In this model, all instances of ObjectIdentifer returned from store operations and metadata queries correspond directly to instances of NameValueRecord.

The results of a 5800 system metadata query are returned using instances of the QueryResultSet class, which the application can step through to retrieve metadata or identifiers. This class manages the details of fetching one batch of results after another.

Key Classes

This section provides an overview of the following key classes in the 5800 system Java client API. For more information on using the following classes, see Basic Concepts. Also see the Javadoc provided with the 5800 system SDK.

For more information on using these classes, see Basic Concepts.


The NameValueObjectArchive class is the main entry point into the 5800 system. Each instance of NameValueObjectArchive provides access to a specific 5800 system server, functioning as a proxy object on which operations can be performed. Multiple simultaneous operations can be accomplished in separate threads on the same NameValueObjectArchive instance. Communication with the 5800 system server is entirely by means of HTTP requests. A pool of HTTP connections is maintained for efficiency.

A NameValueObjectArchive instance enables you to store, retrieve, query and delete object data and associated metadata records. Metadata is associated with an object in a set of name-value pairs (see NameValueRecord). Metadata records can be used to associate application-specific information with the raw data, such as name, mime type, or purge date. Metadata records consist of structured data that can be queried. Object data is opaque to the 5800 system.

A NameValueObjectArchive instance always ensures that a metadata record is created on the 5800 system server for each newly stored object, even if no metadata is provided with the store. This enables a model of programming where every stored data object is accessed by name-value metadata records (for example, for examining results from queries or performing delete operations). Object data is never deleted directly; it is deleted when its last referencing metadata record is deleted.

For additional information, see NameValueObjectArchive Application Access.


An instance of NameValueSchema represents information about the name-value metadata that the 5800 system system uses to index data. This instance can be used to enumerate the fields available in the schema as attributes. Each attribute has a name and a type.

See the Sun StorageTek 5800 System Administrator’s Guide for information on how to define attributes.


Instances of ObjectIdentifier uniquely represent objects in a 5800 system store. The 5800 system creates these instances when objects are stored and are returned to the client as part of the store result.ObjectIdentifier instances can be stored outside of the 5800 system and used later for retrieving objects. External storage can be accomplished using an identifier's string representation by invoking the toString method. An instance of ObjectIdentifier can be reconstituted using the constructor that takes String as an argument.


Instances of QueryResultSet provide access to the objects and metadata matching a query. The query results can be stepped through using the next method. The individual results are identifiers representing objects that match the query.

If selectKeys was specified in the original query, these metadata fields can be accessed using the typed getter methods with each field’s name.


Instances of SystemRecord represent the system metadata for an object, including OID, object size, SHA1 hash, and creation time. They are returned by storeObject and storeMetadata.


Instances of NameValueRecord represent metadata used by the 5800 system to store and index user-extensible lists of name-value pairs. For convenience, instances of NameValueRecord also contain references to the SystemRecord instances of the objects they represent.

NameValueObjectArchive Application Access

Most applications make use of the NameValueObjectArchive class. This class ensures that a default metadata entry is created for every data object stored, even if no metadata is explicitly provided at store time.

The NameValueObjectArchive object functions as a proxy for the 5800 system server. All access is enabled by invoking methods on this object.

The following key methods and classes are used with the NameValueObjectArchive class:


Initializes a new NameValueObjectArchive with the address or host name of a 5800 system server, using the provided port.


     public NameValueObjectArchive(java.lang.String address) 
          throws ArchiveException,
     public NameValueObjectArchive(String address, int port) 
          throws ArchiveException, IOException


The NameValueObjectArchive is instantiated by supplying the address of the 5800 system cluster in the constructor. The resulting data object can then be used to interact with that cluster.


Deletes the metadata record.


     public void 
         delete(ObjectIdentifier identifier) 
         throws ArchiveException,


Takes a NameValueRecord OID.

Deletes the metadata record. If it is the last metadata record referencing the underlying object data, the underlying object data will also be deleted.


Uploads a new data object with an associated name-value metadata record.


     public SystemRecord storeObject(java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel dataChannel)
     public SystemRecord 
         storeObject(ReadableByteChannel dataChannel,NameValueRecord record) 
         throws ArchiveException,IOException


Takes a ReadableByteChannel (and an optional NameValueRecord) and returns a SystemRecord instance containing the system metadata for the new object.


Creates a new metadata record in the name-value object archive linked to the data object identified by the OID.


     public SystemRecord storeMetadata(ObjectIdentifier linkOID,
         NameValueRecord record); 
         throws ArchiveException,


Takes a NameValueRecord and OID and returns a SystemRecord instance containing the system metadata for the new metadata record.


Checks if the metadata for an object is present in the query engine, and inserts the metadata if it is not present.


     public int checkIndexed(ObjectIdentifier identifier)
             throws ArchiveException, IOException


checkIndexed is intended as way to resolve a store index exception under program control (see The 5800 System Query Integrity Model for more information).

Once a store index exception occurs (as indicated by a SystemRecord.isIndexed value of false after a store operation) then archive.checkIndexed(oid) can be called repeatedly until it returns any non-zero value. This will ensure that the metadata for the object has been inserted into the query engine; the object should then start to show up in matching queries.

checkIndexed returns an int value that indicates if the metadata for this object has been inserted into the query engine. The value is -1 if the metadata was already inserted before this operation was called, 0 if the metadata has still not been inserted, or 1 if the metadata was just now inserted.


Writes all of the data for the specified object into the provided channel, returning the amount of data actually retrieved.


     public long retrieveObject(ObjectIdentifier oid,
         WritableByteChannel dataChannel)
         throws ArchiveException,
     public long retrieveObject(ObjectIdentifier oid,
         dataChannel,long firstByte,
         long lastByte)
         throws ArchiveException,


Takes an OID and downloads the data object into a supplied WritabableByteChannel.


Returns a NameValueRecord instance containing the system and name-value metadata for the metadata record identified by the OID.


     public NameValueRecord 
         retrieveMetadata(ObjectIdentifier oid) 
         throws ArchiveException,


Returns a NameValueRecord instance containing the system and name-value metadata for the metadata record identified by the OID.


Returns the runtime configuration of the name-value object archive as a NameValueSchema instance.


     public NameValueSchema getSchema()
          throws ArchiveException,


Returns the runtime configuration of the name-value object archive as a NameValueSchema instance.


Returns a ResultSet of SystemRecord instances containing MetadataRecord OIDs.


     public QueryResultSet 
         query(java.lang.String query,int resultsPerFetch) 
         throws ArchiveException,


Takes a where clause and returns a QueryResultSet of SystemRecord instances containing MetadataRecord OIDs.

The query parameter is a where clause in the 5800 system query syntax, which is a subset of SQL.

Returns a QueryResultSet. The results are stepped through by calling the next method and using the typed getXXX accessor methods.

Note –

For more information on the 5800 system query language, refer to Chapter 4, Sun StorageTek 5800 System Query Language.

query (with selectKeys)

Returns a ResultSet of NameValueRecord instances containing the selected values.


     public QueryResultSet 
         query(java.lang.String query, java.lang.String[] selectKeys,int maxResults) 
         throws ArchiveException,


Takes a where clause and a select clause and returns a QueryResultSet of NameValueRecord instances containing the selected values.

selectKeys identifies the values to be returned, functioning as an SQL select clause.

The query parameter is a where clause in the 5800 system query syntax, which is a subset of SQL.

Returns a QueryResultSet. The results are stepped through by calling the next method and using the getObjectIdentifier accessor.

Note –

For more information on the 5800 system query language, refer to Chapter 4, Sun StorageTek 5800 System Query Language.

query (with PreparedStatement)

Returns the OIDs of metadata records matching the query as a QueryResultSet instance.


     public QueryResultSet query(PreparedStatement query, 
          int resultsPerFetch)


Takes a PreparedStatement and returns a QueryResultSet of SystemRecord instances containing MetadataRecord OIDs.

The PreparedStatement parameter enables queries with dynamic parameters to pass typed data items to the query.

Returns a QueryResultSet. The results are stepped through by calling the next method and using the typed getXXX accessor methods.

Note –

For more information on the 5800 system query language, refer to Chapter 4, Sun StorageTek 5800 System Query Language.

query (with PreparedStatement and selectKeys)

Returns specified fields from metadata records matching the query as a QueryResultSet instance.


     public QueryResultSet 
         query(PreparedStatement query, 
         java.lang.String[] selectKeys, 
         int resultsPerFetch)


Takes a where clause and a select clause and returns a QueryResultSet of NameValueRecord instances containing the selected values.

selectKeys identifies the values to be returned, functioning as an SQL select clause.

The PreparedStatement parameter enables queries with dynamic parameters to pass typed data items to the query.

Returns a QueryResultSet. The results are stepped through by calling the next method and using the getObjectIdentifier accessor.

Note –

For more information on the 5800 system query language, refer to Chapter 4, Sun StorageTek 5800 System Query Language.


Extends com.sun.honeycomb.common.Encoding


     public PreparedStatement(java.lang.String sql);


Used to implement queries with Dynamic Parameters, which is the preferred way to pass typed data items to a StorageTek 5800 query.

The number of bindParameter calls should match the number of question marks (?) in the query string in the prepared statement. Parameters are specified positionally. For example, a bindParameter call with index = 1 supplies a value for the first ? in the supplied query string. Once a value has been supplied for each of the dynamic parameters, then the PreparedStatement may be passed to the NameValueObjectArchive.query method to be executed, for example:

    NameValueObjectArchive archive = new NameValueObjectArchive(hostname);
    Date date_value= new java.sql.Date();
    PreparedStatement stmt = new PreparedStatement("date_field<?”);
    QueryResultSet qrs = archive.query(stmt);


The QueryResultSet class is used to page through OIDs and associated metadata returned by NameValueObjectArchive.query. See the javadoc for the getXXX methods for getting typed metadata.


Sets the QueryResultSet to point at the next record.


     boolean next()


Sets the QueryResultSet to point at the next record. Returns true if there is a next record, false if not.


Gets the ObjectIdentifier of the current metadata record.


     ObjectIdentifier getObjectIdentifier()


Gets the ObjectIdentifier of the current metadata record.


Returns whether the set of results constitutes a complete set


     boolean isQueryComplete()


Returns whether the set of results constitutes a complete set. See The 5800 System Query Integrity Model.


Returns the most recent time at which all store index exceptions are known to have been resolved.


     long getQueryIntegrityTime()


The query integrity time is a time such that all store index exceptions from before that time have been resolved. There is an ideal query integrity time, which is the time of the oldest still-unresolved store index exception: an ideal implementation when asked for the query integrity time would always report this ideal value. In actual implementation, the reported query integrity time might be hours or even days earlier than the ideal query integrity time, depending on how far the ongoing system healing has progressed.


Get detailed status on which store index exceptions might still be unresolved


     QueryResultSet.isQueryComplete(), QueryResultSet.getQueryIntegrityTime();