Sun StorageTek 5800 System SDK Reference Manual


Queries a 5800 system server for metadata records that match the query string passed on the command line.

Note –

Query requires the T..Z UTC format. For example, 1952-10-27T00:30:29.999Z.


     Query <IP | HOST> <QUERY> [OPTIONS]


Queries for metadata records. QUERY is of the form:

<name1>=’<value1>’ AND <name2>=’<value2>’ OR ...

See the examples below for formatting of various types of values. The OID and any specified fields of metadata records that match the query are printed to stdout.

<name> should be specified in the format <namespace>.<attribute>.

Note that names that are keywords need to be enclosed in escaped double quotes (for example, with the bash shell, use "\"<name>\"=’<value>’"). Refer to the list of keywords in Chapter 4, Sun StorageTek 5800 System Query Language, in Sun StorageTek 5800 SystemClient API Reference Manual.


-s <FIELD>

Print out results as metadata name-value records. Use as many -s switches as needed to define all fields that will be printed to stdout.

-n <number of results>

The maximum number of metadata records or OIDs that will be returned. The default is 1000.


Print this message.


In the following examples, “first” is a keyword.

     Query archivehost "’King’"
     Query archivehost "\"first\"=’a’"
     Query archivehost system.test.type_char="’do re mi’"
     Query archivehost system.test.type_string="’fa so la’"
     Query archivehost system.test.type_long=123
     Query archivehost system.test.type_double=1.23
     Query archivehost system.test.type_binary="x’0789abcdef’"
     Query archivehost system.test.type_date="’2010-10-20’"
     Query archivehost system.test.type_time="’22:10:29’"
     Query archivehost system.test.type_timestamp="{timestamp’2010-10-20T23:30:29.123Z’}"
     Query "mp3.artist=’The Beatles’ AND mp3.album=’Abbey Road’"
     Query "mp3.artist=’The Beatles’" -s mp3.album -s mp3.title
     Query "system.test.type_timestamp={timestamp ’1952-10-27T08:30:29.999Z’}"

Source Code
