Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Release Notes

Known Directory Server Issues in 6.1

This section lists the known issues that are found at the time of Directory Server 6.1 release. This list is additional to the list of the Known Directory Server Issues in 6.0.


Directory Server instance with multi-byte name can not be registered in DSCC. As a workaround, use the charset that was used to create the instance.

# cacaoadm list-params | grep java-flags
  java-flags=-Xms4M -Xmx64M

# cacaoadm stop
# cacaoadm set-param java-flags="-Xms4M -Xmx64M -Dfile.encoding=utf-8"
# cacaoadm start

On Windows, the output of dsadm and dpadm commands, and help messages are not localized in Simplified and Traditional Chinese languages.

As a workaround to this problem, set the class path using following command:

set CLASSPATH="C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\ds6\lib\slapwcli.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\ds6\lib\slapy.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\ds6\lib\slapycli.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\ds6\lib\slapycli_l10n.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\dsee6\lib\clip.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\dsee6\lib\jar\common.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\dsee6\lib\jar\common_cfg.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\ds6\lib\slapwcli_l10n.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\dsee6\lib\clip_l10n.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\dsee6\lib\jar\common_cfg_l10n.jar;" 
-classpath %CLASSPATH% --help

On Windows, the permissions on Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server are not set, which enables the non administrator user to remove the server instances and installation. As a workaround, change the permissions of instance and installation folders to avoid the unauthorized access.


In the Native patch delivery, the miniature calendar that is used to pick dates for filtering access logs is not properly localized in Traditional Chinese.


Output of the schema_push, repldisc, pwdhash, ns-inactivate, ns-activate, ns-accountstatus, mmldif, insync, fildif, entrycmp, dsrepair, dsee_deploy, dsadm show-cert, dsadm repack, and ldif commands are not localized.


Changing the locale of the system and starting DSCC, does not display the pop-up window message in the locale that you selected.


When changing LDAP passwords by using the password change extended operation, the current password of the account is required even if pwdSafeModify is off.

If you bind as the root dn, the current password of the account is not required. For example, cn=directory manager.


Migrating Directory Server 5.1 instance using dsmig migrate-all old-instance-path new-instance-path, might not successfully migrate the instance.

As a workaround to this problem, edit the new-instance-path/config/schema/11rfc2307.ldif file and replace the following line

objectClasses: ( NAME 'automount' 
DESC 'Standard LDAP objectclass' 
SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ automountInformation ) 
MAY ( description ) X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2307' )

with the line given below.

objectClasses: ( automount-oid NAME 'automount' 
DESC 'Standard LDAP objectclass' 
SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ automountInformation ) 
MAY ( description ) X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2307' )

Migrating Directory Server 5.2 schema using the dsmig migrate-schema old-instance-path new-instance-path command fails, if the old Directory Server 5.2 99user.ldif file contains attributes defined in version 6.0.

As a workaround, remove all the Directory Server 6.0 attributes that are included in the old Directory Server 5.2 99user.ldif file and relaunch the migration from the beginning.


The dsadm import –help is not fully translated in French locale.


Clicking Browse DSCC online help does not display the online help when you are using Internet Explorer.


In the Filter drop-down menu under the Suffixes tab of Directory Servers, the Replicated menu item is not translated into Traditional and Simplified Chinese languages.


The Attribute label in suffix indexes in DSCC is not translated for non-Japanese locales.


DSCC might not display long ACIs depending on the limit set by Internet Service Provider.


On Linux, If a Directory Server instance is started in a locale that is different from the locale in which the instance was created, the multi-byte characters do not display properly.


In the optional replication settings of a Directory Server instance, the Referrals label is not translated for French locale.


When you use Service Management Facility (SMF) in Solaris 10 to enable a server instance, the instance might not start when you reboot your system.

As a workaround, add the following lines which are marked with + to /opt/SUNWdsee/ds6/install/tmpl_smf.manifest.

restart_on="none" type="service"> 
<service_fmri value="svc:/network/initial:default"/> 
+ <dependency name="nameservice" grouping="require_all" \
+ restart_on="none" type="service"> 
+ <service_fmri value="svc:/milestone/name-services"/> 
+ </dependency> 
<exec_method type="method" name="start" 
exec="%%%INSTALL_PATH%%%/bin/dsadm start --exec %{sunds/path}"...

Directory Server Enterprise Edition Windows service fails to start more than one server instances when the system restarts.


On HP-UX, the dsadm and dpadm commands might not find shared library.

As a workaround to this problem, set the SHLIB_PATH variable.

env SHLIB_PATH=${INSTALL_DIR}/dsee6/private/lib dsadm

Sun Java System Application Server bundled with Solaris 10 cannot create SASL client connection for authenticated mechanism and does not communicate with common agent container.

Change the JVM used by application server by editing the appserver-install-path/appserver/config/asenv.conf file and replace the AS_JAVA entry with AS_JAVA="/usr/java". Restart your Application Server domain.


The dsadm autostart can make native LDAP authentication to fail when you reboot the system.

As a workaround, reverse the order of reboot scripts. The default order is /etc/rc2.d/S71ldap.client and /etc/rc2.d/S72dsee_directory.


The DSCC Version window might display the html source code if it is configured by deploying the Web Archive (WAR) file with application server. As a workaround, add the following entries in domain-path/domain-name/config/default-web.xml.


The dsee_deploy command displays error messages even if the installation using zip distribution is successful.


The passwordStorageScheme.5dsat man page should include the following details.

The CRYPT password storage scheme now supports MD5, Blowfish, and other strong algorithms. To specify the algorithm used, give the format of the salt in the nsslapd-plugingarg() argument as follows:

nsslapd-pluginarg(): value

The value is in the form of a snprintf format string corresponding to specific salt formats. For example, some of the formats supported include the following:





If the string value maps to an algorithm that is not supported by the operating system, then a warning message is logged and the hash will be made using the default UNIX algorithm with a salt made of 31 random characters.


The dsee_deploy man page wrongly mentions installation and uninstallation of Directory Service Control Center, which is not directly installable using zip distribution. Though the WAR file is copied on your system during the installation using zip distribution, which can be further deployed with application server to configure Directory Service Control Center.

See Installing Directory Service Control Center Using the Zip Distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Installation Guide


On HP-UX systems, after the successful upgrade using Native patches, DSCC is unable to restart the Directory Server instances.


Some of the jar files loaded in lockhart are not upgraded after applying 125310-02 and 125278-02 patches.

As a workaround, run the following commands in the given sequence:

dsccsetup console-unreg
dsccsetup console-reg