Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Administration Guide

Creating the CoS Definition Entry From the Command Line

All CoS definition entries have the LDAPsubentry object class and inherit from the cosSuperDefinition object class. In addition, each type of CoS inherits from specific object classes and contains the corresponding attributes. The following table lists the object classes and attributes that are associated with each type of CoS definition entry.

Table 9–1 Object Classes and Attributes in CoS Definition Entries

CoS Type 

CoS Definition Entry 

Pointer CoS 

objectclass: top

objectclass: LDAPsubentry

objectclass: cosSuperDefinition

objectclass: cosPointerDefinition

cosTemplateDN: DN

cosAttribute: attributeName override merge

Indirect CoS 

objectclass: top

objectclass: LDAPsubentry

objectclass: cosSuperDefinition

objectclass: cosIndirectDefinition

cosIndirectSpecifier: attributeName

cosAttribute: attributeName override merge

Classic CoS 

objectclass: top

objectclass: LDAPsubentry

objectclass: cosSuperDefinition

objectclass: cosClassicDefinition

cosTemplateDN: DN

cosSpecifier: attributeName

cosAttribute: attributeName override merge

In all cases, cosAttribute is multivalued. Each value defines an attribute that is generated by the CoS mechanism.

You can use the following attributes in CoS definition entries. For more information about each of these attributes, see the individual attributes in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Man Page Reference.

Table 9–2 CoS Definition Entry Attributes


Purpose Within the CoS Definition Entry 


attributeName override merge

Defines the name of the computed attribute for which you want to generate a value. This attribute is multivalued, and each value represents the name of an attribute whose value is generated from the template. The override and merge qualifiers specify how the CoS attribute value is computed in special cases described following this table.

The attributeName cannot contain any subtypes. Attribute names with subtypes are ignored, but other values of cosAttribute are processed.



Defines the name of the attribute in target entries whose value is used by indirect CoS to identify the template entry. The named attribute is called the specifier and must contain a full DN string in each target entry. This attribute is single-valued, but the attributeName can be multivalued to designate multiple templates.



Defines the name of the attribute in target entries whose value is used by classic CoS to identify the template entry. The named attribute is called the specifier and must contain a string that can be found in the RDN of template entries. This attribute is single-valued, but the attributeName can be multivalued to designate multiple templates.



Provides the full DN of the template entry for a pointer CoS definition or the base DN of the template entry for classic CoS. This attribute is single-valued.  

Note –

You cannot use the isMemberOf attribute as a CosSpecifier to make all the members of static groups automatically inherit from a common computed attribute value.

The cosAttribute attribute allows two qualifiers following the name of the CoS attribute, the override qualifier and the merge qualifier.

The override qualifier describes the behavior when an attribute that is dynamically generated by CoS already physically exists in the entry. The override qualifier can be one of the following:

The merge qualifier is either absent or merge-schemes. This qualifier allows the computed CoS attribute to be multivalued, either from multiple templates or multiple CoS definitions. For more information, see Multivalued CoS Attributes.

Overriding Real Attribute Values

You might create a pointer CoS definition entry that contains an override qualifier as follows:

dn: cn=pointerCoS,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: cosSuperDefinition
objectclass: cosPointerDefinition
cosTemplateDn: cn=exampleUS,cn=data
cosAttribute: postalCode override

This pointer CoS definition entry indicates that the entry is associated with the template entry cn=exampleUS,cn=data that generates the value of the postalCode attribute. The override qualifier indicates that this value takes precedence over the value of the postalCode attribute if the attribute exists in a target entry.

Note –

If the CoS attribute is defined with the operational or override qualifiers, you cannot perform write operations on the “real” value of that attribute in any entry in the CoS scope.

Multivalued CoS Attributes

When you specify the merge-schemes qualifier, the generated CoS attribute can be multivalued in two ways:

The two situations can occur together and define even more values. However, in all cases, duplicate values will only be returned one time in a generated attribute.

In the absence of the merge-schemes qualifier, the cosPriority attribute of the template entry is used to determine a single value among all templates for the generated attribute. This scenario is described in the next section.

The merge-schemes qualifier never merges a “real” value that is defined in the target with generated values from the templates. The merge qualifier is independent of the override qualifier. All pairings are possible, and the behaviors implied by each are complimentary. Also, the qualifiers can be specified in any order after the attribute name.

Note –

When there are multiple CoS definitions for the same attribute, the definitions must all have the same override and merge qualifiers. When different pairs of qualifiers occur in CoS definitions, one of the combinations is selected arbitrarily among all definitions.

CoS Attribute Priority

If multiple CoS definitions or multivalued specifiers exist, but no merge-schemes qualifier, Directory Server uses a priority attribute to select a single template that defines the single value of the computed attribute.

The cosPriority attribute represents the global priority of a particular template among all those being considered. A priority of zero is the highest priority. Templates that contain no cosPriority attribute are considered the lowest priority. When two or more templates provide an attribute value but have the same or no priority, a value is chosen arbitrarily.

Template priorities are not taken into account when using the merge-schemes qualifier. When merging, all templates being considered define a value regardless of any priority that the templates define. The cosPriority attribute is defined on CoS template entries as described in the following section.

Note –

The cosPriority attribute must not have a negative value. Also, attributes generated by indirect CoS do not support priority. Do not use cosPriority in template entries of an indirect CoS definition.