Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Administration Guide

DSCC Tabs Description

Use the tabs in DSCC to navigate the interface.

Common Tasks Tab

The Common Tasks tab (see Figure 1–2) is the first interface that you see when opening DSCC. It contains links to commonly used administrative tasks, such as searching directory data, checking logs, and managing servers.

Directory Servers Tab

The Directory Servers tab (see Figure 1–3) lists all directory servers registered in DSCC. For each server, you can see the server status and instance path, which shows where the instance is located.

When you click a server name, you see another window with a different set of tabs that relate only to that server.

Proxy Servers Tab

The Proxy Servers tab lists all the directory proxy servers that are registered in DSCC. For each server, you can see the server status and the server instance path, which shows where the instance resides.

When you click a server name, you see another window with a different set of tabs that relate only to that server.

Server Groups Tab

The Server Groups tab enables you to assign servers to groups, to make server management easier. If you have numerous servers, you can use filters to display only the servers in a certain group. You can also copy the server configuration (for example index or cache settings) from one server to all other servers in a group.

Settings Tab

This tab displays DSCC port numbers and allows you to create and delete Directory Service Managers.