Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Administration Guide

Incrementally Adding Many Entries to Large Replicated Suffixes

If you have a directory with a very large number of entries and you want to add a large quantity of entries, do not use ldapmodify -a because it is too time consuming. Instead, add the new entries incrementally by using the dsconf import command with an option for adding entries in a replicated topology. When you import the entries, an LDIF file is generated that contains the additions as well as replication meta-data. You then import this generated LDIF file to the other replicas. The generated LDIF file ensures that replication synchronization is constant across the replicas to which you add data.

ProcedureTo Add Many Entries to Large Replicated Suffixes

Before You Begin

This procedure generates a large LDIF file. Before running the first dsconf import command, ensure that you have enough disk space available for the generated LDIF file.

You cannot use DSCC to perform this task. Use the command line, as described in this procedure.

Caution – Caution –

This procedure can be used to initialize a server with a large number of entries in several passes. However, if one of the imports fails, the whole database can be lost. Be sure to backup data prior to each import.

  1. On any master replica, import the entries.

    $ dsconf import -h host -p port -K generated-LDIF-file suffix-DN

    The -K option ensures that existing data is not removed. It also generates a file generated-LDIF-file, that contains the new entries and information required by the replication process.

  2. On all other replicas, import the file generated in the previous step.

    $ dsconf import -h host -p port \
    -K -f incremental-output=no generated-LDIF-file suffix-DN

    The option -f incremental-output=no specifies that an additional LDIF file will not be generated. Only one generated LDIF file is needed for this procedure.