Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Reference

Chapter 14 Directory Server File Reference

This chapter describes the files found after you install Directory Server, and after you create server instances.

The examples shown in this chapter are for Solaris systems. File extensions and path separators may differ for your operating system. This chapter includes the following sections.

If you installed software from native packages, you may also use the packaging commands on your system to list the files installed. For example, after installing from native packages on Solaris systems, you can obtain a full list for a particular package using the pkgchk -v package-name command.

If you installed software from a zip distribution, find lists of installed files in the install-path/dsee6/data/ directory.

Software Layout for Directory Server

This section describes the file layout you find after installing Directory Server from the zip distribution. All files locations are relative to the path where you installed the product. For information on default native package installation locations, see Default Paths and Command Locations.


Directory Server files shared by server instances. This directory houses the following files of interest.


Directory Server command for local administration. See dsadm(1M).


Directory Server command for configuration over LDAP. See dsconf(1M).


Directory Server command for migration to this version of Directory Server. See dsmig(1M).


Directory Server command for repairing replicated directory entries, not intended for use without help for qualified support personnel. See dsrepair(1M).


Directory Server command for comparing directory entries across replica. See entrycmp(1).


Directory Server command for filtering LDIF content. See fildif(1).


Directory Server command for examining replica synchronization. See insync(1).


Directory Server command for combining LDIF content. See mmldif(1).


Directory Server command for examining whether an account is locked. See ns-accountstatus(1M).


Directory Server command for activating a locked account. See ns-activate(1M).


Directory Server command for explicitly locking an account. See ns-inactivate(1M).


Directory Server command for displaying the hashed form of a password value. See pwdhash(1).


Directory Server command for discovering a replication topology. See repldisc(1).


Directory Server command for pushing schema updates to replicas. See schema_push(1M).


Registration configuration for Directory Server monitoring agents, not intended to be used directly.


Sample Directory Server plug-ins.


Directory Server plug-in header files.


Directory Server instance installation templates, not intended to be used directly.


Sample Directory Server LDIF content.


Sample Directory Server LDIF content with grouping based on roles.


Shared Directory Server libraries, not intended for use directly.


Directory Server plug-in configuration files, not intended to be used directly.


Directory Server resource files, not intended to be used directly.


Directory Server instance LDAP schema templates, not intended to be used directly.


Directory Service Control Center agent files shared by multiple Directory Server Enterprise Edition component products. This directory houses the following files of interest.


Command to monitor servers managed through Directory Service Control Center. See dsccmon(1M).


Command to manage the Directory Service Control Center registry. See dsccreg(1M).


Command to set up Directory Service Control Center. See dsccsetup(1M).


Directory Service Control Center agent configuration information, not intended to be used directly.


Shared libraries, not intended to be used directly.


Files shared by multiple Directory Server Enterprise Edition component products. This directory houses the following files of interest.


NSS certificate manipulation command used by other tools, not intended to be used directly.


Command to install and remove software. See dsee_deploy(1M).


Command to base64 encode LDIF attribute values. See ldif(1)


Common agent container files shared by Directory Server Enterprise Edition component products, not intended to be used directly.


Lists of installed files used by the dsee_deploy command, not intended to be used directly.


Libraries shared by Directory Server Enterprise Edition component products, not intended to be used directly.


Directory Server Enterprise Edition online reference manual pages. See also Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Man Page Reference.


Directory Server Resource Kit command to compare LDAP entries from two directories. See ldapcmp(1).


Directory Server Resource Kit command to perform LDAP compare operations. See ldapcompare(1).


Directory Server Resource Kit command to delete directory entries. See ldapdelete(1).


Directory Server Resource Kit command to update entries over LDAP. See ldapmodify(1).


Directory Server Resource Kit command to change user passwords. See ldappasswd(1).


Directory Server Resource Kit command to search a directory. See ldapsearch(1).


Libraries used by Directory Server Resource Kit commands, not intended to be used directly.


Container for configuration files.


Java Runtime Environment, not intended to be used directly.


Container for runtime files, not intended to be used directly.

Directory Server Instance Default Layout

This section describes the file layout you find after creating a Directory Server instance. The instance-path is the file system path where you created the instance.

This section does not cover the following deprecated scripts, generated for backwards compatibility:

If you do not use the scripts, you can safely remove them.


NSS certificate database directory.


NSS certificate mapping configuration file.


Default data backup directory.

Each directory database backup is held in its own file system directory. The name of the backup directory corresponds to the time and date of the backup.


Default configuration backup directory provided for you to backup up versions of your configuration.


Default server configuration backup directory.

This directory contains a backup copy of the original Directory Server configuration file, dse.ldif, generated when the server instance was created. This copy can be compared with the current configuration file for troubleshooting.


Server configuration directory.


Server configuration file, not intended to be edited directly.


LDAP schema configuration files. See dirserv(5dssd).


Default server database files directory. When a suffix has been created, the following database files are stored in this file system directory.


Files used internally by the database. Do not move, delete, or modify these files.


File that identifies the version of the database.


File used to store information about the state of the database, used to determine whether database recovery is required.


Files used to store the database transaction logs.


Files that store your directory suffix information. The directory name is derived from the suffix name, such that the database for a suffix identified by DN dc=example,dc=com is stored in a file system directory named example.

For every index defined in the database, the suffix directory contains a file with a name of the form suffix_indexedAttr.db3, such that an index of CNs for dc=example,dc=com has file name example_cn.db3.

Suffix directories also contain a file named suffix_id2entry.db3. The suffix_id2entry.db3 file contains the directory database entries.

If necessary, all index files can be rebuild from the suffix_id2entry.db3 file. To recreate the index files, reindex the suffix.


Lock files directory.

Lock files stored here in subdirectories exports/, imports/, and server/ prevent simultaneous operations from conflicting with each other. The lock mechanisms allow one server instance to run at a time. The lock mechanisms also permit only one dsadm import (offline import) operation at a time. As a result, no export or server instance operations can be run during import.

The lock restriction does not however apply to dsconf import (online import) operations. Multiple online imports can run at the same time.


Default server logs directory. The following files are stored here.

access logs

This file records information about client access to Directory Server. For detail about access logs, see Access Logs.

audit logs

This file records information about modifications to Directory Server data. For detail about audit logs, see Audit Logs.

core files

By default, server core files are dumped here during a crash.

errors logs

This file records errors, warnings, and informational messages logged during Directory Server operation. For detail about errors logs, see Error Logs.

pid file

This file holds the process identifier of the running server.

slapd.stats file

This memory mapped-file cannot be read in an editor. The slapd.stats file contains data collected for SNMP, which is communicated to the agent responsible for handling SNMP requests.


Plug-in signatures directory, not intended to be used directly.


Server runtime files directory, not intended to be used directly.