Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Reference

Indirect CoS

Indirect CoS allows any entry in the directory to be a template and provide the CoS value. The indirect CoS definition entry identifies an attribute, called the indirect specifier, whose value in a target entry determines the template used for that entry. The indirect specifier attribute in the target entry must contain a DN. With indirect CoS, each target entry may use a different template and thus have a different value for the CoS attribute.

For example, an indirect CoS that generates the departmentNumber attribute may use an employee’s manager as the specifier. When retrieving a target entry, the CoS mechanism will use the DN value of the manager attribute as the template. It will then generate the departmentNumber attribute for the employee using the same value as the manager’s department number.

Note –

Because templates may be arbitrary entries anywhere in the directory tree, implementing access control for indirect CoS can become extremely complex. In deployments where performance is critical, you should also avoid overusing indirect CoS due to its resource intensive nature.

In many cases, results that are similar to those made possible by indirect CoS can be achieved by limiting the location of the target entries with classic CoS or using the less flexible pointer CoS mechanism.

The following figure shows an indirect CoS that uses the manager attribute of the target entry to identify the template entry. In this way, the CoS mechanism can generate the departmentNumber attribute of all employees to be the same as their manager’s, ensuring that it is always up to date.

Figure 9–3 Example of an Indirect CoS Definition and Template

Example of an Indirect CoS Definition and Template

The indirect CoS definition entry names the specifier attribute, which in this example, is the manager attribute. William Holiday’s entry is one of the target entries of this CoS, and his manager attribute contains the DN of uid=cfuentes,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com. Therefore, Carla Fuentes’s entry is the template, which in turn provides the departmentNumber attribute value of 318842.