Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Reference

Simplified Layout of the cn=monitor Entry

This section provides a simplified layout of the cn=monitor entry. For the detailed layout of the cn=monitor entry and a description of all of the entries and attributes under cn=monitor, see Detailed Layout of the cn=monitor Entry.

+-- cn=Product (Installed Product)
    +-- cn=ProductName
        +-- cn=Operating System
        +-- cn=Instance (Application System)
            +-- cn=InstanceId
                +-- cn=Service
                    +-- cn=Add
                    +-- cn=Delete
                    +-- cn=Modify
                    +-- cn=ModifyDN
                    +-- cn=Search
                    +-- cn=Compare
                    +-- cn=Bind
                +-- cn=Resource (System Resource)
                    +-- cn=Work Queue
                    +-- cn=Worker Thread
                        +-- cn=worker_thread_name
                    +-- cn=Search Thread
                        +-- cn=search_thread_name
                    +-- cn=Monitor Thread
                        +-- cn=monitor_thread_name
                    +-- cn=Connection Handler Thread
                        +-- cn=connection_handler_thread_name
                +-- cn=SAP (Service Access Point)
                    +-- cn=LDAP
                    +-- cn=LDAPS
                +-- cn=RSAP (Remote SAP)
                    +-- cn=LDAP  Server servername
                    +-- cn=LDAPS Server servername
                    +-- cn=RDBM  Server servername
                +-- cn=Component (Logical Component)
                    +-- cn=DataSource Pool
                        +-- cn=poolname
                            +-- cn=Proportional Load Balancing
                                +-- cn=Add
                                +-- cn=Search
                                +-- cn=Delete
                                +-- cn=Compare
                                +-- cn=Modify
                                +-- cn=ModifyDN
                                +-- cn=Bind
                +-- cn=JVM
                +-- cn=DB System
                +-- cn=DB Service