Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Reference

Description of Each Entry Under the cn=monitor Entry

For information about each entry in the cn=monitor subtree, see the following sections:


The cn=Product entry identifies the set of files being installed. An installed product is identified by the entry cn=ProductName.

cn=Product contains the following groups of attributes:

  • version identifies the full release number containing major release, minor release and optionally micro release (for example, 6.1).

  • buildNumber identifies the syntax of the build number.

  • patchId identifies the patch of the product. This attribute can be empty.


Provides operational status and availability status.


Provides a set of statistics metrics such as performance and usage.

cn=Operating System

The cn=Operating System entry identifies which operating system the product package is installed under. This entry has the following monitoring DN:

cn=Operating System, cn=ProductName, cn=Product, cn=monitor

cn=Operating System contains the following groups of attributes:

  • operatingSystemName identifies the name of the operating system (for example, SunOS).

  • operatingSystemVersion identifies the release of the operating system (for example, 6.1).


Provides operational status and availability status.


Provides a set of statistics metrics such as performance and usage.


The cn=Instance entry identifies an instance of the installed product. More than one instance of a product can exist on a single data source. Each instance is identified by an instance ID, where instanceId=host:instance-path.

The cn=Instance entry has the following monitoring DN:

cn=InstanceId, cn=Instance, cn=Operating System, cn=ProductName,
  cn=Product, cn=monitor

cn=Operating System contains the following groups of attributes:


Provides configuration attribute values.


operationalStatus identifies the status of the element, with the following values: 0, 2, 8, 9, and 10. For information about the values, see Table 24–2.


Provides a set of statistics metrics such as performance and usage.


The cn=Service entry identifies information about LDAP operations, or services, for an instance of Directory Proxy Server.

LDAP operations are add, delete, modify, modifyDN, search, compare, and bind. Each LDAP operation has a specific monitoring entry below cn=Service. For example, the add operation has the following DN:

cn=add, cn=Service, cn=InstanceId, cn=Instance, cn=Operating System, 
  cn=ProductName, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below cn=Service can contain the following groups of attributes:


Provides configuration attribute values.


Provides operational status and availability status.

  • total identifies the number of operations received by this instance of Directory Proxy Server.

  • succeeded identifies the number of successful operations in this instance of Directory Proxy Server.

  • failed identifies the number of failed operations in this instance of Directory Proxy Server.

  • abandonned identifies the number of operations abandoned by this instance of Directory Proxy Server.


A Service Access Point (SAP) provides information on how to access a service. The cn=SAP entry has the following monitoring DN:

cn=listenerThread, cn=SAP, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, 
  cn=OperatingSystem, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below cn=SAP can contain the following groups of attributes:

  • name identifies the SAP name, either LDAP or LDAPS.

  • isSecure identifies whether LDAPS is used. If the value is TRUE, LDAPS is used.

  • host identifies the hostname of the current data source.

  • port identifies the port number to access this instance of Directory Proxy Server.

  • enabled identifies if the SAP is enabled.

  • operationalStatus identifies the status of the SAP. If the value is 2 or OK, the SAP is fully operational.

  • statusDescription provides a detailed status description.

  • startTime identifies the date and time at which the SAP was started.

  • stopTime identifies the date and time at which the SAP was stopped.

  • stopException provides a description of the error if a stop operation fails. If this attribute is empty, no error has occurred.

  • acceptedConnections identifies the number of accepted TCP connections. One counter exists for all LDAP operations. The counter is service agnostic.

  • refusedConnections identifies the number of refused TCP connections.


The cn=RSAP entry identifies the type of remote service. The remote SAP can be one of the following types:


The cn=RSAP entry for an LDAP remote SAP can have one of the following monitoring DNs:

cn=LDAP  servername, cn=RSAP, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, 
  cn=OperatingSystem, cn=Product, cn=monitor

cn=LDAPS  servername, cn=RSAP, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, 
  cn=OperatingSystem, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below cn=RSAP can contain the following groups of attributes:

  • name identifies the SAP name, either LDAP or LDAPS.

  • isSecure identifies whether LDAPS is used. If the value is TRUE, LDAPS is used.

  • host identifies the hostname of the host server.

  • port identifies the port number to access this instance of Directory Proxy Server.

  • operationalStatus identifies the status of the element, with the following values: 2, 4, 12, and 13. For information about these values, see Table 24–2.

  • statusDescription provides the detailed description of the status.

  • started identifies if RSAP is started.

  • readOnly identifies if it is in read only mode.

  • totalConnections identifies the total number of connections including the established connections.

  • totalAvailableConnections identifies the total number of available connections for bind, read and write operations. The value 0 means that access to that data source is congested.

  • The following attributes are given for bind operations but also exist for read operations and write operations:

    • totalBindConnections identifies the number of established connections for bind operations. All of the connections are kept in a pool of bind connections.

    • availableBindConnections identifies the number of free bind connections in the pool.

    • bindConnectionsRequested identifies the number of requests to get a free bind connection from the pool.

    • bindConnectionsProvided identifies the number of bind connections provided upon request.

    • bindConnectionsRefused identifies the number of requests being refused because the pool is empty (even after a wait) or because the remote data source is down.

    • bindConnectionsWaitsRequired identifies the number of requests being blocked in a wait state, waiting for a bind connection to be freed.

    • bindConnectionsReturnedValid identifies the number of connections being released.

    • bindConnectionsReturnedInvalid identifies the number of connections being released as invalid. A connection is said to be invalid when errors have occurred.


The cn=Component entry identifies the part of the software being accessed through a service. The following parts of the software are identified by the cn=Component entry:

Proportional Load Balancing Algorithm For All Data Sources

The cn=Component entry for the proportional load balancing algorithm for all data sources has the following monitoring DN:

cn=ProportionalLB, cn=DataSourcePool poolname, cn=Component, 
  cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, cn=OperatingSystem, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below the cn=Component entry for the proportional load balancing algorithm contain the following groups of attributes for all data sources:

  • className provides the name of the class.

  • enabled identifies the status of the remote SAP. If the value is TRUE, the load balancing algorithm is active.

  • totalBindConnectionsProvided identifies the total number of connections provided for bind operations.

  • totalBindConnectionsRefused identifies the number of refused connections for bind operations.

    Connections can be refused for one of the following reasons:

    • The pool of data sources is empty.

    • All the data sources in the pool are down.

    • The data source selected by the load balancing algorithm has no free connection to reach the remote service.

  • totalAddConnectionsProvided see totalBindConnectionsProvided

  • totalAddConnectionsRefused see totalBindConnectionsRefused

  • totalCompareConnectionsProvided see totalBindConnectionsProvided

  • totalCompareConnectionsRefused see totalBindConnectionsRefused

  • totalDeleteConnectionsProvided see totalBindConnectionsProvided

  • totalDeleteConnectionsRefused see totalBindConnectionsRefused

  • totalModifyConnectionsProvided see totalBindConnectionsProvided

  • totalModifyConnectionsRefused see totalBindConnectionsRefused

  • totalModifyDNConnectionsProvided see totalBindConnectionsProvided

  • totalModifyDNConnectionsRefused see totalBindConnectionsRefused

  • totalCompareConnectionsProvided see totalBindConnectionsProvided

  • totalCompareConnectionsRefused see totalBindConnectionsRefused

Proportional Load Balancing Algorithm For Individual Data Sources

The cn=Component entry for the proportional load balancing algorithm for individual data sources has the following monitoring DN:

cn=Add, cn=servername, cn=Proportional LB, cn=DataSource Pool poolname,
  cn=Component, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, cn=OperatingSystem, 
  cn=Product, cn=monitor

Similar monitoring DNs exist for the delete, modify, modifyDN, search, compare, and bind operations.

Entries below the cn=Component entry for the proportional load balancing algorithm contain the following groups of attributes for individual data sources:

  • Provides configuration attribute values.

  • operationalStatus identifies the status of the element, with the following values: 2, and 5. For information about these values, see Table 24–2.

  • statusDescription provides the detailed status description.

  • providedConnections the number of connections provided to reach the data source for the operation.

  • providedPercentage the percentage of connections provided to reach the data source for the operation.

  • refusedConnections the number of refused requests to get a connection to that data source.

  • refusedPercentage the percentage of refused requests.


The cn=JVM entry identifies the JVM that is being used to run the instance of Directory Proxy Server. The cn=JVM entry has the following monitoring DN:

cn=JVM, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below cn=JVM can contain the following groups of attributes:

  • version identifies the version of the JVM used to run the instance of Directory Proxy Server.

  • JVMInstallation identifies the location of the JVM installation.

  • operationalStatus identifies the status of the element, with the following values: 2, and 5. For information about these values, see Table 24–2.

  • statusDescription provides the detailed status description.

  • totalJVMMemory identifies the total amount of memory allocated for the JVM to run.

  • maxJVMMemory identifies the maximum amount of JVM memory.

  • freeJVMMemory identifies the amount of free memory.

  • realFreeJVMMemory identifies the free JVM memory which can be used.

  • JVMMemoryLowLevelCount provides the number of times JVM memory changes its state from green to orange.

  • JVMMemoryVeryLowLevelCount provides the number of times JVM memory changes its state from orange to red.

  • availableCPU identifies the CPU capacity available.


The cn=Resource entry identifies the set of resources being used by the software. Resources include buffers, file descriptors, and hard disks.

The following elements are identified by the cn=Resource entry:

Connection Handler Thread

The connection handler thread decodes incoming requests. The connection handler is oriented to the LDAP or LDAPS protocol. When a request has been fully decoded, the request is put in the work queue.

The cn=Resource entry for the connection handler thread has the following monitoring DN:

cn=connection_handler_thread_name, cn=Connection Handler Thread,
  cn=Resource, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, cn=Product, 

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the connection handler thread contain the following groups of attributes:

  • threadID provides the unique thread identification number.

  • threadStack provides the information on threads stack.

  • operationalStatus identifies the status of the element. The value 2 indicates that the element is fully operational.

  • startTime identifies the date and time at which the thread was started.

  • started identifies if the thread has started.

  • running identifies if the thread is in running state.

  • statusDescription provides the detailed status description.


The following statistics can be gathered:

  • Byte buffer pool statistics under cn=ByteBufferPool:

    • numTries

    • numHits

    • numMissesEmpty

    • numMissesSize

    • numReleases

    • availableStandardBuffers

    • availableOversizedBuffers

  • String buffer pool statistics under cn=StringBufferPool:

    • numTries

    • numHits

    • numMisses

    • numReleases

    • availableBuffers

  • Vector pool statistics under cn=VectorPool:

    • numTries

    • numHits

    • numMisses

    • numReleases

    • availableBuffers

Work Queue

Incoming requests from clients are stored by connection handler threads in the work queue. The requests are then processed by the worker thread. The cn=Resource entry for the work queue has the following monitoring DN:

cn=Work Queue, cn=Resource, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, 
  cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the work queue contain the following groups of attributes:

  • maxNormalPriorityPeak identifies the maximum number of requests of normal priority that can be put in the queue. When this threshold is reached, the connection handler is suspended.

  • maxHighPriorityPeak. identifies the maximum number of requests of high priority that can be put in the queue. When this threshold is reached, the connection handler is suspended.

  • curNormalPriorityInQueue provides the current normal priority requests in queue.

  • curHighPriorityInQueue provides the current high priority requests in queue.

  • operationalStatus identifies the status of the element, with the following values: 2, and 4. For information about these values, see Table 24–2.

  • statusDescription provides the detailed status description.

  • numNormalPriorityPuts identifies the number of requests of normal priority that are put in the queue by the connection handler threads.

  • numNormalPriorityGets identifies the number of request of normal priority retrieved from the queue by worker threads.

  • numHighPriorityPuts identifies the number of requests of high priority that are put in the queue by the connection handler threads.

  • numHighPriorityGets identifies the number of request of high priority retrieved from the queue by worker threads.

  • numAbandonRequests identifies the number of requests that are abandoned.

  • numAbandonSuccesses identifies the number of requests that are abandoned while in the queue.

Worker Thread

The worker thread processes requests from the work queue.

The cn=Resource entry for the worker thread has the following monitoring DN:

cn=worker_thread_name, cn=Worker Thread, cn=Resource,
  cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the search thread contain the same groups of attributes as described in Connection Handler Thread, and the following attributes:

  • operationsProcessed identifies the number of operations processed by the worker thread.

  • exceptionsCaught identifies the number of exceptions raised during the processing of operations.

Search Thread

When a search is performed on several data views, parallel search threads can be used. The cn=Resource entry for the search thread has the following monitoring DN:

cn=search_thread_name, cn=Search Thread, cn=Resource, cn=instanceId,
  cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the search thread contain the same groups of attributes as described in Connection Handler Thread.

Monitor Thread

The monitor thread checks the availability of remote data sources. A remote data source is considered to be available when the monitor thread can create one connection to the remote data source. The cn=Resource entry for the monitor thread has the following monitoring DN:

cn=monitor_thread_name, cn=Monitor Thread, cn=Resource, cn=instanceId,
  cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the search thread contain the same groups of attributes as described in Connection Handler Thread, and the following groups of attributes:

  • backendServer identifies the name of the monitored remote data source.

  • checkInterval identifies the interval of time (in seconds) between two checks.

  • additionalCheckType identifies additional checking. The following values can be used:

    • 1 (no additional checks)

    • 2 (create a bind connection to the data source)

    • 3 (create a read connection to the data source)

  • serverAvailable identifies the status of the remote data source. The value is true if the remote data source is up and running.

  • totalChecks identifies the total number of checks.

  • availabilityChecksFailed identifies the number of failed availability checks. An availability check is successful when a remote data source is up and running.

  • additionalChecksFailed identifies the number of failed additional checks.