Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Reference

Handling of Shared Entries

The contains-shared-entries property determines what should be done if an entry in the secondary data view is used by more than one entry in the primary data view.

Imagine for example, that the primary data view contains a list of user entries and the secondary data view contains a list of department numbers. A single department number in the secondary data view might apply to more than one user in the primary data view. If a user is deleted from the primary data view, you do not necessarily want that user's department number to be deleted from the secondary data view.

The contains-shared-entries property is set on the secondary data view only. This property is set to TRUE by default. This means that deleting an entry in the primary data view will not result in the deletion of the shared entry in the secondary data view. Adding an entry to the primary data view will only add the entry to the secondary data view if it does not already exist.