Sun Java System Federation Manager 7.0 User's Guide

Classes for ResourceID Mapper Plugin

The value of this attribute is a list of classes that generate identifiers for a resource offering configured for an organization or role. is an interface used to map a user identifier to the resource identifier associated with it. The Discovery Service provides two implementations for this interface:

Different implementations may be developed with the implementing class and added as a value of this attribute by clicking New and using the format providerid=providerID|class_name_and_path. See To Configure a ResourceID Mapper.

ProcedureTo Configure a ResourceID Mapper is an interface used to map a user identifier to the resource identifier associated with it. Different implementations may be developed and added to the attribute. The following procedure is for adding a new resourceID mapper to the Discovery Service. The starting point is the Discovery Service screen under Web Services.

  1. In the Federation Manager Console, click the Web Services tab.

  2. Under Web Services, select the Discovery Service tab.

  3. Under Classes for ResourceID Mapper Plugin, click New or click on the name of a configured mapper to modify it.

    The New Resource ID Mapping page is displayed.

  4. Provide values for the mapper attributes.

    Provider ID

    A URI that points to the Discovery Service. Use the format http://host:port/amserver/Liberty/disco.

    ID Mapper

    The name of the implementing class.

  5. Click OK to complete the mapper configuration.

  6. Click Save on the Discovery Service page to complete the configuration.