Sun Java System Federation Manager 7.0 User's Guide

Installation Tools Reference

This section covers information you should know and tasks you should finish before beginning with the Federation Manager installer.

Detailing the fmsetup Syntax

fmsetup is the command-line application used to install or uninstall Federation Manager. fmsetup is located in the /FederationManager-base/SUNWam/fm/bin directory. The syntax is:

fmsetup <install | uninstall> [-p]  -s  silent-installation-file-name
fmsetup -V
fmsetup -?


install | uninstall

Defines whether you are installing or uninstalling Federation Manager. 

  • Choose install to install all Federation Manager packages and supported components.

  • Choose uninstall to remove all Federation Manager packages and supported components.

-p or --package

Defines whether the installer will just add the Federation Manager packages or add the packages and create a WAR from them. When specified, this option only installs the Federation Manager packages. No WAR is created. 

Note –

To complete installation after running fmsetup with the -p option, fmwar must be run to create a WAR for deployment. See Standard Installation for more information.

If the -p option is not specified, fmsetup will install the Federation Manager packages, create a staging directory at /var/opt/SUNWam/FM/war_staging, and generate a Federation Manager WAR. See Self-Extracting Installation for more information.

-s or --silent

Defines the location and name of the file created from the template discussed in The Silent Installation File.


Displays version information. 


Displays help information. 

Detailing the fmwar Syntax

fmwar is the command-line application used to create (or recreate) the WAR for Federation Manager from packages that have already been added. (See Detailing the fmsetup Syntax.) fmwar is located in the /FederationManager-base/SUNWam/fm/bin directory. By default, fmwar can be used for either of the following scenarios:

From the installed packages, fmwar will create a WAR used to deploy Federation Manager. The syntax for using fmwar is:

fmwar -n name-of-WAR -d staging-directory -s silent-installation-file-name [-g]
fmwar -V
fmwar -?


-n or --name

Defines the name of the WAR to be generated. The value does not include the .WAR suffix. This is referred to as the application's URI.

-d or --directory

Defines the path to the staging directory which contains the files that will be used to generate the WAR. A recommended path is /var/opt/SUNWam/FM/war_staging.

Note –

The -d option is used in tandem with the -g option. If the -g option is specified, -d must point to a staging directory which does not yet exist. If the -g option is not specified, -d must point to an existing staging directory. The latter scenario is used to regenerate the WAR.

-s or --silent

Defines the path to, and name of, the file created from the template discussed in The Silent Installation File.


Creates a new staging directory, generates a WAR, and configures the flat file data store. 

Note –

The -g option is used only when creating a Federation Manager WAR for the first time. In these cases, the -g option must be specified and the -d option must point to a directory which does not yet exist. This directory will be the staging directory. A recommended path is /var/opt/SUNWam/FM/war_staging. If the -g option is not specified, -d must point to an existing staging directory to regenerate the WAR.


Displays version information. 


Displays help information.