Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Release Notes

Documentation and Online Help

The following table lists the known issues in Documentation and Online Help.

Note –

For a list of known issues in the localized versions of 6.1 documentation, see Issues Resolved in 6.1 Documentation.

Table 17 Known Issues in Documentation

Problem ID 



Online Help indicates that the maximum characters for an authentication password is eight characters. 

Additional Information: The authentication characters for an authentication password can be more that eight characters.


No documentation available regarding feature upgrades.  

Additional Information: See Installation, Upgrade, and Migration Notes.


Online Help page under Generic Thread Pools gives invalid information.


Online Help—Directory Indexing information is missing in the Administrator's Guide and online help.


All documents do not inform the user the nonexistence of instance/lib directory.

Additional Information:This directory is not created by the installer. Users have to create the directory if it does not exist.


Release Notes for SUN ONE Web Server 6.1 does not list all patches that are required for the Solaris SPARC platform.

Additional Information: 109326-09 is a required patch for Web Server 6.1 on Solaris release 8.