Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP11 Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo reconfigure an existing collection

  1. Select the virtual server that contains the collection you want to configure, and click the Manage button.

  2. Select the Search tab and then click the Configure Collection link.

  3. From the Collection drop-down list, select the collection you want to configure and click Go.

  4. You can edit the following information for the collection you selected:

    • Display name: (Optional) This will appear as the new collection name in the search query page.

    • Description: (Optional) Edit the text description of the collection.

    • Document URI: Edit the URI for the document root for the search collection.

      Note –

      Do not change the Document URI unless you have changed the URI mapping for the document root from the Additional Document Directories page. For more information, see Setting Additional Document Directories.

    • Enabled: Select Yes to enable. If you select No, the collection will not appear on the search query page.

  5. Click OK

    This reconfigures the collection and modifies the appropriate SEARCHCOLLECTION entry in the server.xml file.