Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Developer's Guide

Restrictions and Optimizations

This section discusses restrictions and performance optimizations that affect using the Java Persistence API.

Extended Persistence Context Failover

A reference to an extended persistence context in a stateful session bean or an HttpSession may not fail over successfully.

The Java Persistence API specification is not clear how the container and persistence provider should work together to passivate a stateful session bean with an extended persistence context in a stand-alone server instance. This also prevents successful serialization and storage of a reference to an extended persistence context in an HttpSession.

Even in a single-instance environment, if a stateful session bean is passivated, its extended persistence context could be lost when the stateful session bean is activated. In this environment, it is safe to store an extended persistence context in a stateful session bean only if you can safely disable stateful session bean passivation altogether. This is possible, but trade-offs in memory utilization must be carefully examined before choosing this option.

In a single-instance environment, it is safe to store a reference to an extended persistence context in an HttpSession.

Using @OrderBy with a Shared Session Cache

Setting @OrderBy on a ManyToMany or OneToMany relationship field in which a List represents the Many side doesn't work if the session cache is shared. Use one of the following workarounds:

Using BLOB or CLOB Types with the Inet Oraxo JDBC Driver

To use BLOB or CLOB data types larger than 4 KB for persistence using the Inet Oraxo JDBC Driver for Oracle Databases, you must set the database's streamstolob property value to true.

Database Case Sensitivity

Mapping references to column or table names must be in accordance with the expected column or table name case, and ensuring this is the programmer's responsibility. If column or table names are not explicitly specified for a field or entity, the Enterprise Server uses upper case column names by default, so any mapping references to the column or table names must be in upper case. If column or table names are explicitly specified, the case of all mapping references to the column or table names must be in accordance with the case used in the specified names.

The following are examples of how case sensitivity affects mapping elements that refer to columns or tables. Programmers must keep case sensitivity in mind when writing these mappings.

Unique Constraints

If column names are not explicitly specified on a field, unique constraints and foreign key mappings must be specified using uppercase references. For example:

@Table(name="Department", uniqueConstraints={ @UniqueConstraint ( columnNames= { "DEPTNAME" } ) } )

The other way to handle this is by specifying explicit column names for each field with the required case. For example:

@Table(name="Department", uniqueConstraints={ @UniqueConstraint ( columnNames= { "deptName" } ) } )
public class Department{ @Column(name="deptName") private String deptName; }

Otherwise, the ALTER TABLE statement generated by the Enterprise Server uses the incorrect case, and the creation of the unique constraint fails.

Foreign Key Mapping

Use @OneToMany(mappedBy="COMPANY") or specify an explicit column name for the Company field on the Many side of the relationship.

SQL Result Set Mapping

Use the following elements:

<sql-result-set-mapping name="SRSMName" >
   <entity-result entity-class="entities.someEntity" />
   <column-result name="UPPERCASECOLUMNNAME" />

Or specify an explicit column name for the upperCaseColumnName field.

Named Native Queries and JDBC Queries

Column or table names specified in SQL queries must be in accordance with the expected case. For example, MySQL requires column names in the SELECT clause of JDBC queries to be uppercase, while PostgreSQL and Sybase require table names to be uppercase in all JDBC queries.

PostgreSQL Case Sensitivity

PostgreSQL stores column and table names in lower case. JDBC queries on PostgreSQL retrieve column or table names in lowercase unless the names are quoted. For example:

use aliases Select m.ID AS \"ID\" from Department m

Use the backslash as an escape character in the class file, but not in the persistence.xml file.

Sybase Finder Limitation

If a finder method with an input greater than 255 characters is executed and the primary key column is mapped to a VARCHAR column, Sybase attempts to convert type VARCHAR to type TEXT and generates the following error:

com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: Implicit conversion from datatype 
'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR' is not allowed.  Use the CONVERT function to run this 

To avoid this error, make sure the finder method input is less than 255 characters.

MySQL Database Restrictions

The following restrictions apply when you use a MySQL database with the Enterprise Server for persistence.