Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 High Availability Administration Guide

Starting the Management Agent in Console Mode

You may wish to start the management agent in console mode for evaluation or testing. Do not start the management agent this way in a production environment, because the ma process will not restart after a system or process failure and will terminate when the command window is closed. The command depends on your platform and installation:

Java Enterprise System on Solaris or Linux

To start the HADB management agent in console mode, use the command:

opt/SUNWhadb/bin/ma [config-file]

The default management agent configuration file is /etc/opt/SUNWhadb/mgt.cfg

To stop the management agent, kill the process or close the shell window.

Java Enterprise System on Windows

To start the management agent in console mode, use the command:

HADB_install_dir\bin\ma [config-file]

The optional argument config-file is the name of the management agent configuration file. For more information on the configuration file, see Customizing Management Agent Configuration.

To stop the agent, kill the process.

Standalone Application Server on Windows

To start the management agent in console mode, use the command:

HADB_install_dir\bin\ma [config-file]

The optional argument config-file is the name of the management agent configuration file; for more information, see Customizing Management Agent Configuration

To stop the management agent, kill the process.

Standalone Application Server on Solaris or Linux

To start the HADB management agent in console mode, use the command:

HADB_install_dir/bin/ma [config-file]

The default management agent configuration file is HADB_install_dir /bin/ma.cfg

To stop the management agent, kill the process or close the shell window.