Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Error Message Reference

Analyze the System

Unexpected errors generally result from problems in the configuration (system configuration, JVM configuration, server configuration or application-level configuration). They can also occur when the system runs out of memory, or when there is a system crash, hardware failure, or power failure.

To find cases in which the error has been reported, search for occurrences of the error code (for example, DIAG9001) at

In the event of a general system failure, the error message can generally be ignored, because the error is unlikely to reoccur when the system is working properly.

If system memory is an issue, consult the Performance Tuning Guide for suggestions on optimizing your configuration. (Consider taking other actions to remedy the problem as well, such as adding memory or decreasing system load.)

When the system is not the cause, the problem may be due to the configuration settings. If you have recently made changes, consider backing them out.