Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Deployment Planning Guide

Estimating Peak Load

Having an even load throughout the day is probably not realistic. You need to determine when the peak load occurs, how long it lasts, and what percentage of the total load is the peak load.

Example 2–4 Calculation of Peak Load

If the peak load lasts for two hours and takes up 30 percent of the total load of 2,160,000 pages, this implies that 648,000 pages must be carried over the T-1 lines during two hours of the day.

Therefore, to accommodate peak load during those two hours, increase the number of T-1 lines according to the following calculations:

648,000 pages/120 minutes = 5,400 pages per minute

5,400 pages per minute/60 seconds = 90 pages per second

If four lines can handle 25 pages per second, then approximately four times that many pages requires four times that many lines, in this case 16 lines. The 16 lines are meant for handling the realistic maximum of a 30 percent peak load. Obviously, the other 70 percent of the load can be handled throughout the rest of the day by these many lines.