Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Deployment Planning Guide

Java Message Service Type

There are two types of integration between Enterprise Server and MQ brokers: local and remote. You can set this type attribute on the Admin Console’s Java Message Service page.

Local Java Message Service

If the Type attribute is LOCAL, the Enterprise Server will start and stop the MQ broker. When Enterprise Server starts up, it will start the MQ broker specified as the Default JMS host. Likewise, when the Enterprise Server instance shuts down, it shuts down the MQ broker. LOCAL type is most suitable for standalone Enterprise Server instances.

With LOCAL type, use the Start Arguments attribute to specify MQ broker startup parameters.

Remote Java Message Service

If the Type attribute is REMOTE, Enterprise Server will use an externally configured broker or broker cluster. In this case, you must start and stop MQ brokers separately from Enterprise Server, and use MQ tools to configure and tune the broker or broker cluster. REMOTE type is most suitable for Enterprise Server clusters.

With REMOTE type, you must specify MQ broker startup parameters using MQ tools. The Start Arguments attribute is ignored.