Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Upgrade Guide

Upgrade Tool Interfaces

You can use the tool through the command-line interface (CLI) or the GUI.

To use the Upgrade tool in GUI mode, issue the asupgrade command with no options.

To run the Upgrade tool in CLI mode, invoke the asupgrade command with the -c/--console option. You can run the upgrade CLI in the interactive or non-interactive mode. If you supply all required arguments when invoking asupgrade on the console, the upgrade is performed in non-interactive mode and no further input is required. For a complete list of asupgrade options, refer Table 2–3. If you invoke the tool only with the -c/--console option, the tool enters the interactive CLI mode, where the user is asked for a series of inputs.

Note –

Ensure that the -c/--console option is the first option in the command line, if you want to run asupgrade in CLI mode. Do not run upgrades through the silent installation mode.