Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 High Availability Administration Guide

Restarting a Database

You might want to restart a database if you notice strange behavior (for example consistent timeout problems). In some cases, a restart may solve the problem.

When you restart a database, y, the database and its data remain available. When you stop and start HADB in separate operations, data and database services are unavailable while HADB is stopped. This is because by default hadbm restart performs a rolling restart of nodes: it stops and starts the nodes one by one. In contrast, hadbm stop stops all nodes simultaneously.

To restart a database, use the hadbm restart command. The command syntax is:

hadbm restart  
[--adminpassword=password | --adminpasswordfile=file]  

The dbname operand specifies the database name. The default is hadb.

The special option --no-rolling (short form -g) specifies to restart all nodes at once, which causes loss of service. Without this option, this command restarts each of the nodes in the database to the current state or a better state.

See General Options for a description of other command options. For more information, see hadbm-restart(1).

For example:

hadbm restart