Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Administration Guide

ProcedureCreating a JDBC Connection Pool and JDBC Resource Using the CLI

  1. Use the asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool command to create a JDBC connection pool.

    Sample command to create a JDBC connection pool:

    asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource --restype javax.sql.DataSource --property user=dbuser:password=dbpassword:url="jdbc:oracle\:thin\:@localhost\:1521\:ORCL" myjdbc_oracle-pool

  2. Use the asadmin create-jdbc-resource command to create a JDBC resource assicated with this connection pool.

    Sample command to create a JDBC resource:

    asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --connectionpoolid myjdbc_oracle-pool jdbc/oracle-resource

  3. Test the connection settings are correct by pinging the connection pool using the asadmin ping-connection-pool command.

    asadmin ping-connection-pool myjdbc_oracle-pool

  4. To edit JDBC connection pool properties, use the asadmin list, get, and set commands.

    Sample list command to list a JDBC connection pool:

    asadmin list myjdbc_oracle-pool

    The sample output of this command:

    Sample get command to list all properties of a JDBC connection pool:

    asadmin list myjdbc_oracle-pool

    Sample get command to get all properties of a JDBC connection pool:

    asadmin get domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.myjdbc_oracle-pool

    Sample get command to set a properties of a JDBC connection pool:

    asadmin set domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.myjdbc_oracle-pool.steady-pool-size=20