Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 HADB Commands Reference Manual
 adds new nodes to the named database, initializes devices for the new nodes, and refragments the schema ( Index Term Link )
 clears the history files on the database ( Index Term Link )
 configures and starts the HADB Management Agent ( Index Term Link )
 creates a database instance ( Index Term Link )
 creates a management domain of the listed HADB hosts ( Index Term Link )
 displays a list of all the subcommands to administer HADB ( Index Term Link )
 displays information about disk storage devices on each active data node ( Index Term Link )
 displays the hadbm version information hadbm-version ( Index Term Link )
 extends the current HADB management domain by adding the specified hosts ( Index Term Link )
 gets the value of the specified configuration attribute ( Index Term Link )
 gracefully stops the specified node ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm addnodes ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm clear ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm clearhistory ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm create ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm createdomain ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm delete ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm deletedomain ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm deviceinfo ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm disablehost ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm extenddomain ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm-get ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm help ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm list ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm listdomain ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm listpackages ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm recoverhost ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm reducedomain ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm refragment ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm registerpackage ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm restart ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm set ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm setadminpassword ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm start ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm startnode ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm status ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm stopnode ( Index Term Link )
 hadbm version displays the hadbm version information ( Index Term Link )
 lists all hosts defined in the management domain ( Index Term Link )
 lists all the existing databases ( Index Term Link )
 lists the packages registered in the management domain ( Index Term Link )
 ma ( Index Term Link )
 recover a host in the management domain ( Index Term Link )
 refragments the database schema ( Index Term Link )
 registers HADB packages in the management domain ( Index Term Link )
 reinitializes all the dataspace on all nodes and starts the database ( Index Term Link )
 removes hosts from the HADB management domain ( Index Term Link )
 removes the database ( Index Term Link )
 removes the HADB management domain ( Index Term Link )
 restarts the database ( Index Term Link )
 selectively disables a host in the management domain ( Index Term Link )
 sets the adminpassword for the management domain ( Index Term Link )
 sets the value of the specified configuration attributes to the identified values ( Index Term Link )
 shows the state of the database ( Index Term Link )
 starts the database ( Index Term Link )
 starts the specified node ( Index Term Link )
 utility for managing the High Availability Database (HADB) ( Index Term Link )