Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Installation Guide

Verifying Prerequisites

The following table lists the tasks that you should perform before uninstallation. Some of the tasks might not apply to your particular situation.

The left column lists the order in which you should perform the tasks and the right column contains other useful information and the location of instructions.

Table 9–1 Pre-uninstallation Checklist

Task Description 

Instructions or Helpful Information 

1. Review the needs and behaviors of each product component you are going to uninstall. 

Reviewing Uninstallation Behavior for Communications Suite Product Components

2. Identify product component dependencies that result from configuration and take appropriate measures, such as backing up data, unconfiguring the dependent product component from the supporting product component, or uninstalling the product components in the proper order. 

Handling Interdependencies

3. Make a copy of the product registry file. The backup copy is helpful in recovering from a failed uninstallation. 

Solaris OS: /var/sadm/install/productregistry

Linux: /var/opt/sun/install/productregistry

4. Back up or archive configuration or user data for product components you are uninstalling if you plan to reuse this data in subsequent installations. 

Reviewing Uninstallation Behavior for Communications Suite Product Components

5. Make sure the Directory Server instance that hosts the configuration directory is running. Note: In most cases, the web container and Directory Server should be running, while the other servers should be shut down before uninstalling. 

This Directory Server instance must be running so the uninstaller can unconfigure the product components you are uninstalling. 

6. If necessary, gather administrator access information for Directory Server and Access Manager. 

Granting Administrator Access for the Uninstaller

7. If uninstalling Access Manager, remove the schema before uninstallation. 

Use the following LDIF file to remove the schema: 

Solaris: /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/ds_remote_schema_uninstall.ldif

Linux: /etc/opt/sun/identity/config/ldif/ds_remote_schema_uninstall.ldif

8. If you are uninstalling Sun Cluster software, Sun Cluster Geographic software must be uninstalled first.