Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Administration Reference

About the domain.xml File

The domain.xml file contains most of the Sun JavaTM System Application Server configuration. The encoding is UTF-8 to maintain compatibility with regular UNIX text editors. The domain.xml file is located in the domain configuration directory, which is typically domain-dir/config. This file is further described in the following sections:

Note –

Settings in the Application Server deployment descriptors override corresponding settings in the domain.xml file unless otherwise stated. For more information about the Application Server deployment descriptors, see the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Developer’s Guide.

The sun-domain_1_1.dtd File

The sun-domain_1_1.dtd file defines the structure of the domain.xml file, including the elements it can contain and the subelements and attributes these elements can have. The sun-domain_1_1.dtd file is located in the install-dir/lib/dtds directory.

Note –

Do not edit the sun-domain_1_1.dtd file; its contents change only with new versions of the Application Server.

The sun-domain_1_1.dtd interface is unstable. An unstable interface might be experimental or transitional, and hence might change incompatibly, be removed, or be replaced by a more stable interface in the next release.

Elements or attributes that appear in the sun-domain_1_1.dtd file but are not described in this chapter are not implemented and should not be used.

For general information about DTD files and XML, see the XML specification.

Default Values

In this manual, the term default is used in its broader sense, and not in the specific way it is used in the XML 1.0 standard. A default value is an initial value or the value used if no value is present in the XML file. A default value can be any of the following:


Variables and variable references are needed for two reasons:

Variable references appear in the domain.xml file as strings that begin with the characters ${ and end with the character }. For example, the string ${com.sun.enterprise.myVar} is a reference to the variable com.sun.enterprise.myVar .

Variables are defined both outside of and within domain.xml. Predefined variables that exist outside of domain.xml are defined as Java System Properties. Within domain.xml, a variable is defined using the system-property element or the jvm-options element.

The system-property element’s name attribute is the name of a variable; its value attribute is the definition of the variable. For example, the following system-property element defines a port-number variable with the value 6500:

<system-property name="port-number" value="6500"/>

Multiple system-property subelements are permitted within server, cluster, config, and domain elements.

A variable defined in the jvm-options element is a Java System Property with the -D flag. For example, the following jvm-options element defines a port-number variable with the value 5500:


Multiple definitions for the same variable are permitted. The Application Server determines the actual value of a variable by searching for its first definition in a strict hierarchy of the elements within domain.xml. The hierarchy is as follows:

server -> cluster -> config -> jvm-options -> domain -> System

Implicit in this hierarchy is the notion of reference and containment. A variable referenced in a server element is only looked up:

Element Referencing

One element references another when an attribute of the referencing element has the same value as an attribute of the referenced element. For example, the application-ref element references an application or module that is deployed to its parent server element. The application-ref element’s ref attribute has the same value as the name attribute of a lifecycle-module, j2ee-application, ejb-module, web-module, connector-module, or appclient-module element.

The referencing application-ref element might look like this:

<application-ref ref="MyServlet"/>

The referenced web-module element might look like this:

<web-module name="MyServlet" location="myservletdir"/>

Element Hierarchy

The element hierarchy for the domain.xml file is as follows. To make the hierarchy more readable, elements having property as their last or only subelement are marked with a P, and the property subelements are not shown. Parent/child relationships between elements are shown, but not cardinality. For those details, see the element descriptions.

domain P
.    applications
.    .    lifecycle-module P
.    .   .    description
.    .    j2ee-application
.    .   .    description
.    .    web-module
.    .   .    description
.    .    ejb-module
.    .   .    description
.    .    connector-module
.    .   .    description
.    .    appclient-module
.    .   .    description
.    resources
.    .    custom-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    external-jndi-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    jdbc-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    mail-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    persistence-manager-factory-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    admin-object-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    connector-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    resource-adapter-config P
.    .    jdbc-connection-pool P
.    .   .    description
.    .    connector-connection-pool P
.    .   .    description
.    .   .    security-map
.    .   .    .    principal
.    .   .    .    user-group
.    .   .    .    backend-principal
.    configs
.    .    config P
.    .   .    http-service P
.    .   .    .    access-log
.    .   .    .    request-processing
.    .   .    .    keep-alive
.    .   .    .    connection-pool
.    .   .    .    http-protocol
.    .   .    .    http-file-cache
.    .   .    .    http-listener P
.    .   .    .   .    ssl 
.    .   .    .    virtual-server P
.    .   .    .   .    http-access-log
.    .   .    iiop-service
.    .   .    .    orb P
.    .   .    .    ssl-client-config
.    .   .    .   .    ssl 
.    .   .    .    iiop-listener P
.    .   .    .   .    ssl 
.    .   .    admin-service P
.    .   .    .    jmx-connector P
.    .   .    .   .    ssl 
.    .   .    .    das-config P
.    .   .    connector-service
.    .   .    web-container P
.    .   .    .    session-config
.    .   .    .   .    session-manager
.    .   .    .   .    .    manager-properties P
.    .   .    .   .    .    store-properties P
.    .   .    .   .    session-properties P
.    .   .    ejb-container P
.    .   .    .    ejb-timer-service P
.    .   .    mdb-container P
.    .   .    jms-service P
.    .   .    .    jms-host P
.    .   .    log-service P
.    .   .    .    module-log-levels P
.    .   .    security-service P
.    .   .    .    auth-realm P
.    .   .    .    jacc-provider P
.    .   .    .    audit-module P
.    .   .    .    message-security-config
.    .   .    .   .    provider-config P
.    .   .    .   .    .    request-policy
.    .   .    .   .    .    response-policy
.    .   .    transaction-service P
.    .   .    monitoring-service P
.    .   .    .    module-monitoring-levels P
.    .   .    java-config P
.    .   .    .    profiler P
.    .   .    .   .    jvm-options
.    .   .    .    jvm-options
.    .   .    availability-service P
.    .   .    .    web-container-availability P
.    .   .    .    ejb-container-availability P
.    .   .    thread-pools
.    .   .    .    thread-pool
.    .   .    alert-service P
.    .   .    .    alert-subscription
.    .   .    .   .    listener-config P
.    .   .    .   .    filter-config P
.    .   .    system-property
.    .   .    .    description
.    servers
.    .    server P
.    .   .    application-ref
.    .   .    resource-ref
.    .   .    system-property
.    .   .    .    description
.    clusters
.    .    cluster P
.    .   .    server-ref
.    .   .    .    health-checker
.    .   .    resource-ref
.    .   .    application-ref
.    .   .    system-property
.    .   .    .    description
.    node-agents
.    .    node-agent P
.    .   .    jmx-connector P
.    .   .    .    ssl 
.    .   .    auth-realm P
.    .   .    log-service P
.    .   .    .    module-log-levels P
.    lb-configs
.    .    lb-config P
.    .   .    cluster-ref
.    .   .    .    health-checker
.    .   .    server-ref
.    .   .    .    health-checker
.    system-property
.    .    description