Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 High Availability Administration Guide

Node Agent Synchronization

When a node agent is started for the first time, it sends a request to the Domain Administration Server (DAS) for the latest information in the central repository. Once it successfully contacts the DAS and gets configuration information, the node agent is bound to that DAS.

Note –

asadmin start-node-agent command will automatically start the remote server instances without synchronizing with DAS. Use the --startinstances=false option followed by the asadmin start-instance command to start a remote server instance that is synchronized with the central repository managed by DAS.

If you created a placeholder node agent on the DAS, when the node agent is started for the first time it gets its configuration from the central repository of the DAS. During its initial start-up, if the node agent is unable to reach the DAS because the DAS is not running, the node agent stops and remains unbound.

If changes are made in the domain to the node agent’s configuration, they are automatically communicated to the node agent on the local machine while the node agent is running. However, if you added a property to the node agent, you must restart the node agent to synchronize it with the updated configuration.

If you delete a node agent configuration on the DAS, the next time the node agent synchronizes, it stops and marks itself as awaiting deletion. Manually delete it using the local asadmin delete-node-agent command.