Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

Using the Command Utility to Display Metrics Interactively

A Message Queue broker can report metrics of the following types:

The imqcmd command can obtain metrics information for the broker as a whole, for individual connection services, and for individual physical destinations. To obtain metrics data, you generally use the metrics subcommand of imqcmd. Metrics data is written at an interval you specify, or the number of times you specify, to the console screen.

You can also use the query subcommand to view similar data that also includes configuration information. See imqcmd query for more information.

imqcmd metrics

The syntax and options of imqcmd metrics are shown in Table 12–3 and Table 12–4, respectively.

Table 12–3 imqcmd metrics Subcommand Syntax

Subcommand Syntax 

Metrics Data Provided 

metrics bkr
   [-b hostName:portNumber]
   [-m metricType]
   [-int interval]
   [-msp numSamples]

Displays broker metrics for the default broker or a broker at the specified host and port. 

metrics svc -n serviceName
   [-b hostName:portNumber]
   [-m metricType]
   [-int interval]
   [-msp numSamples]

Displays metrics for the specified service on the default broker or on a broker at the specified host and port. 

metrics dst -t destType
   -n destName
   [-b hostName:portNumber]
   [-m metricType]
   [-int interval]
   [-msp numSamples]

Displays metrics information for the physical destination of the specified type and name.

Table 12–4 imqcmd metrics Subcommand Options

Subcommand Options 


-b hostName: portNumber

Specifies the hostname and port of the broker for which metrics data is reported. The default is localhost:7676.

-int interval

Specifies the interval (in seconds) at which to display the metrics. The default is 5 seconds. 

-m metricType

Specifies the type of metric to display: 

ttl Displays metrics on messages and packets flowing into and out of the broker, service, or destination (default metric type).

rts Displays metrics on rate of flow of messages and packets into and out of the broker, connection service, or destination (per second).

cxn Displays connections, virtual memory heap, and threads (brokers and connection services only).

con Displays consumer-related metrics (destinations only).

dsk Displays disk usage metrics (destinations only).

-msp numSamples

Specifies the number of samples displayed in the output. The default is an unlimited number (infinite). 

-n destName

Specifies the name of the physical destination (if any) for which metrics data is reported. There is no default. 

-n serviceName

Specifies the connection service (if any) for which metrics data is reported. There is no default. 

-t destType

Specifies the type (queue or topic) of the physical destination (if any) for which metrics data is reported. There is no default. 

ProcedureTo Use the metrics Subcommand

  1. Start the broker for which metrics information is desired.

    See Starting Brokers.

  2. Issue the appropriate imqcmd metrics subcommand and options as shown in Table 12–3 and Table 12–4.

Metrics Outputs: imqcmd metrics

This section contains examples of output for the imqcmd metrics subcommand. The examples show brokerwide, connection service, and physical destination metrics.

Brokerwide Metrics

To get the rate of message and packet flow into and out of the broker at 10 second intervals, use the metrics bkr subcommand:

imqcmd metrics bkr -m rts -int 10 -u admin

This command produces output similar to the following (see data descriptions in Table 20–2):

 Msgs/sec   Msg Bytes/sec   Pkts/sec    Pkt Bytes/sec   
 In   Out     In      Out     In   Out     In      Out  
 0     0      27      56      0     0      38      66   
 10    0     7365     56      10    10    7457    1132  
 0     0      27      56      0     0      38      73   
 0     10     27     7402     10    20    1400    8459  
 0     0      27      56      0     0      38      73   

Connection Service Metrics

To get cumulative totals for messages and packets handled by the jms connection service, use the metrics svc subcommand:

imqcmd metrics svc -n jms -m ttl -u admin

This command produces output similar to the following (see data descriptions in Table 20–3):

  Msgs      Msg Bytes      Pkts      Pkt Bytes     
In   Out    In     Out   In   Out    In     Out  
164  100  120704  73600  282  383  135967  102127
657  100  483552  73600  775  876  498815  149948

Physical Destination Metrics

To get metrics information about a physical destination, use the metrics dst subcommand:

imqcmd metrics dst -t q -n XQueue -m ttl -u admin

This command produces output similar to the following (see data descriptions in Table 20–4):

  Msgs      Msg Bytes         Msg Count         Total Msg Bytes (k)     Largest
In   Out    In     Out    Current  Peak  Avg  Current  Peak     Avg    Msg (k)
200  200  147200  147200     0     200    0      0      143      71        0  
300  200  220800  147200    100    200   10     71      143      64        0  
300  300  220800  220800     0     200    0      0      143      59        0  

To get information about a physical destination’s consumers, use the following metrics dst subcommand:

imqcmd metrics dst -t q -n SimpleQueue -m con -u admin

This command produces output similar to the following (see data descriptions in Table 20–4):

  Active Consumers         Backup Consumers         Msg Count
Current  Peak  Avg      Current  Peak    Avg    Current  Peak  Avg
   1       1      0        0       0      0       944    1000  525

imqcmd query

The syntax and options of imqcmd query are shown in Table 12–5 along with a description of the metrics data provided by the command.

Table 12–5 imqcmd query Subcommand Syntax

Subcommand Syntax 

Metrics Data Provided 

query bkr
   [-b hostName: portNumber]

Information on the current number of messages and message bytes stored in broker memory and persistent store (see Viewing Broker Information).



query svc -n serviceName
  [-b  hostName:portNumber]

Information on the current number of allocated threads and number of connections for a specified connection service (see Viewing Connection Service Information).



query dst -t destType
  -n destName
  [-b hostName:portNumber]

Information on the current number of producers, active and backup consumers, and messages and message bytes stored in memory and persistent store for a specified destination (see Viewing Physical Destination Information).

Note –

Because of the limited metrics data provided by imqcmd query , this tool is not represented in the tables presented in Chapter 20, Metrics Information Reference.