Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

Physical Destination Management

Table 15–7 lists the imqcmd subcommands for managing physical destinations. In all cases, the -t (destination type) option can take either of two values:

Table 15–7 Command Utility Subcommands for Physical Destination Management



create dst -t destType -n destName

    [ [-o property=value] … ]

Create physical destination [Cannot be performed in a broker cluster whose master broker is temporarily unavailable]

The destination name destName may contain only alphanumeric characters (no spaces) and must begin with an alphabetic character or the underscore (_) or dollar sign ($) character. It may not begin with the characters mq.

destroy dst -tdestType -n destName

Destroy physical destination

This operation cannot be applied to a system-created destination, such as a dead message queue.  

pause dst [-t destType -n destName]

    [-pst pauseType]

Pause message delivery for physical destination

Pauses message delivery for the physical destination specified by the -t and -n options. If these options are not specified, all destinations are paused.

The -pst option specifies the type of message delivery to be paused:

    PRODUCERS: Pause delivery from message producers

    CONSUMERS: Pause delivery to message consumers

    ALL: Pause all message delivery

Default value: ALL

resume dst [-t destType -n destName]

Resume message delivery for physical destination

Resumes message delivery for the physical destination specified by the -t and -n options. If these options are not specified, all destinations are resumed.

purge dst -t destType -n destName

Purge all messages from physical destination

compact dst [-t destType -n destName]

Compact physical destination

Compacts the file-based persistent data store for the physical destination specified by the -t and -n options. If these options are not specified, all destinations are compacted.

A destination must be paused before it can be compacted.  

update dst -t destType -n destName

    -o property1=value1

    [ [ -o property2=value2] … ]

Set physical destination properties

See Chapter 17, Physical Destination Property Reference for information on physical destination properties.

list dst [-t destType]


List physical destinations

Lists all physical destinations of the type specified by the -t option. If no destination type is specified, both queue and topic destinations are listed. If the -tmp option is specified, temporary destinations are listed as well.

query dst -t destType -n destName

List physical destination property values

metrics dst -t destType -n destName

    [-m metricType]

    [-int interval]

    [-msp numSamples]

Display physical destination metrics

The -m option specifies the type of metrics to display:

    ttl: Messages and packets flowing into and out of the destination and residing in memory

    rts: Rate of flow of messages and packets into and out of the destination per second, along with other rate information

    con: Metrics related to message consumers

    dsk: Disk usage

Default value: ttl.

The -int option specifies the interval, in seconds, at which to display metrics. Default value: 5.

The -msp option specifies the number of samples to display. Default value: Unlimited (infinite).