Sun Java System Application Server 7 Update 11 Release Notes


This section describes the known verifier issues and associated solutions.




Standalone verifier shows EJB Class Not Found errors.

The verifier indicates some failed tests with the following test description message: EJB Class Not Found. The test failures occur when an EJB JAR file uses an enterprise bean with a reference to another enterprise bean that is packaged in a separate EJB JAR file within the same EAR application. The failure messages are also observed if you try to validate the connector (RAR) dependent EAR files. This is because the RAR bundle need not be packaged within the EAR file that houses the enterprise bean with dependency on the RAR bundled files. The failures (exception to this are the connector-related failures) are only observed with the standalone verifier. The verifier invoked through the deployment command or the Administration interface does not show the failures.


Make sure that the packaging of the application EAR is correct and if you are using any utility JAR file, it is packaged within the EAR file. To resolve the referencing errors, you can shift to the verifier invoked through the deployment backend using asadmin or the Administration interface. For the connector-related failures, place the JAR file containing the required classes into the class path for the verifier. You can open the install_root/bin/verifier[.bat] file and add a LOCAL_CLASSPATH variable to the end of the JVM_CLASSPATH variable. Locally add the classes to the LOCAL_CLASSPATH variable, then run the verifier.