Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Update 2 Developer's Guide

Container-Managed Persistence Mapping

Implementation for entity beans that use CMP is mostly a matter of mapping CMP fields and CMR fields (relationships) to the database. This section addresses the following topics:

Mapping Capabilities

Mapping refers to the ability to tie an object-based model to a relational model of data, usually the schema of a relational database. The CMP implementation provides the ability to tie a set of interrelated beans containing data and associated behaviors to the schema. This object representation of the database becomes part of the Java application. You can also customize this mapping to optimize these beans for the particular needs of an application. The result is a single data model through which both persistent database information and regular transient program data are accessed.

The mapping capabilities provided by the Application Server include:

The Mapping Deployment Descriptor File

Each module with CMP beans must have the following files:

The sun-cmp-mappings.xml file can be automatically generated and does not have to exist prior to deployment. For details, see Generation Options.

The sun-cmp-mappings.xml file maps CMP fields and CMR fields (relationships) to the database. A primary table must be selected for each CMP bean, and optionally, multiple secondary tables. CMP fields are mapped to columns in either the primary or secondary table(s). CMR fields are mapped to pairs of column lists (normally, column lists are the lists of columns associated with primary and foreign keys).

Note –

Table names in databases can be case-sensitive. Make sure that the table names in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file match the names in the database.

Relationships should always be mapped to the primary key field(s) of the related table.

The sun-cmp-mappings.xml file conforms to the sun-cmp-mapping_1_2.dtd file and is packaged with the user-defined bean classes in the EJB JAR file under the META-INF directory.

The Application Server or the deploytool creates the mappings in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file automatically during deployment if the file is not present. For information on how to use the deploytool for mapping, see the “Create Database Mapping” topic in the deploytool’s online help.

To map the fields and relationships of your entity beans manually, edit the sun-cmp-mappings.xml deployment descriptor. Only do this if you are proficient in editing XML.

The mapping information is developed in conjunction with the database schema (.dbschema) file, which can be automatically captured when you deploy the bean (see Automatic Database Schema Capture). You can manually generate the schema using the capture-schema utility (Using the capture-schema Utility.

Mapping Considerations

This section addresses the following topics:

The data types used in automatic schema generation are also suggested for manual mapping. These data types are described in Supported Data Types.

Join Tables and Relationships

Use of join tables in the database schema is supported for all types of relationships, not just many-to-many relationships. For general information about relationships, see section 10.3.7 of the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v2.1.

Automatic Primary Key Generation

The Application Server supports automatic primary key generation for EJB 1.1, 2.0, and 2.1 CMP beans. To specify automatic primary key generation, give the prim-key-class element in the ejb-jar-xml file the value java.lang.Object. CMP beans with automatically generated primary keys can participate in relationships with other CMP beans. The Application Server does not support database-generated primary key values.

If the database schema is created during deployment, the Application Server creates the schema with the primary key column, then generates unique values for the primary key column at runtime.

If the database schema is not created during deployment, the primary key column in the mapped table must be of type NUMERIC with a precision of 19 or more, and must not be mapped to any CMP field. The Application Server generates unique values for the primary key column at runtime.

Fixed Length CHAR Primary Keys

If an existing database table has a primary key column in which the values vary in length, but the type is CHAR instead of VARCHAR, the Application Server automatically trims any extra spaces when retrieving primary key values. It is not a good practice to use a fixed length CHAR column as a primary key. Use this feature with schemas that cannot be changed, such as a schema inherited from a legacy application.

Managed Fields

A managed field is a CMP or CMR field that is mapped to the same database column as another CMP or CMR field. CMP fields mapped to the same column and CMR fields mapped to exactly the same column lists always have the same value in memory. For CMR fields that share only a subset of their mapped columns, changes to the columns affect the relationship fields in memory differently. Basically, the Application Server always tries to keep the state of the objects in memory synchronized with the database.

A managed field can have any fetched-with subelement except <default/>.

BLOB Support

Binary Large Object (BLOB) is a data type used to store values that do not correspond to other types such as numbers, strings, or dates. Java fields whose types implement or are represented as byte[] can be stored as BLOBs.

If a CMP field is defined as Serializable, it is serialized into a byte[] before being stored in the database. Similarly, the value fetched from the database is deserialized. However, if a CMP field is defined as byte[], it is stored directly instead of being serialized and deserialized when stored and fetched, respectively.

To enable BLOB support in the Application Server environment, define a CMP field of type byte[] or a user-defined type that implements the interface. If you map the CMP bean to an existing database schema, map the field to a column of type BLOB.

To use BLOB or CLOB data types larger than 4 KB for CMP using the Inet Oraxo JDBC Driver for Oracle 8.1.7 and 9.x Databases, you must set the streamstolob property value to true.

For a list of the JDBC drivers currently supported by the Application Server, see the Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Update 2 Release Notes. For configurations of supported and other drivers, see Configurations for Specific JDBC Drivers.

For automatic mapping, you might need to change the default BLOB column length for the generated schema using the schema-generator-properties element in sun-ejb-jar.xml. See your database vendor documentation to determine whether you need to specify the length. For example:


CLOB Support

Character Large Object (CLOB) is a data type used to store and retrieve very long text fields. CLOBs translate into long strings.

To enable CLOB support in the Application Server environment, define a CMP field of type java.lang.String. If you map the CMP bean to an existing database schema, map the field to a column of type CLOB.

To use BLOB or CLOB data types larger than 4 KB for CMP using the Inet Oraxo JDBC Driver for Oracle 8.1.7 and 9.x Databases, you must set the streamstolob property value to true.

For a list of the JDBC drivers currently supported by the Application Server, see the Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Update 2 Release Notes. For configurations of supported and other drivers, see Configurations for Specific JDBC Drivers.

For automatic mapping, you might need to change the default CLOB column length for the generated schema using the schema-generator-properties element in sun-ejb-jar.xml. See your database vendor documentation to determine whether you need to specify the length. For example:
